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He indicated the hieroglyphics on the chamber's walls. "How long does it take to learn such writing?" Mynor, the priest, said, "This is a mystery known only to the priesthood. One spends ten years in preparation to be a scribe." "We'll teach you a new method which will have every citizen of the State reading and writing within a year." The Tulans gaped at him.

But now, perhaps, you will understand the added effect of my taking charge. It will be a more ... profitable manner of using the downfall of this ... this power mad murderer." Chessman said desperately, "Look, Barry, Natt, if you have to, shoot me. At least give me a man's death. Remember those human sacrifices the Tulans had when we first arrived? Can you imagine what went on in those temples?

And the fact these boys are armed has no significance. My Tulans are currently embarked on a campaign to unite the planet. Arms are sometimes necessary, and Tula, my capital, is somewhat of an armed camp. All able-bodied men " Mayer broke in heatedly, "And is this the method you use to bring civilization to Texcoco? Is this what you consider the purpose of the Office of Galactic Colonization?

Watson said, "Yes, but our still comparatively few advanced weapons shouldn't go into the hands of anybody but trusted citizens of the State, certainly not to a bunch of mercenaries. The only ones we can really trust even among the Tulans, are those that were kids when we first took over. The one's we've had time to indoctrinate." "The mistake's made. It's too late now," Plekhanov said.

The Tulans began dragging the snarling, cursing Chessman to the door. Taller said, "A moment, please." Watson, Roberts and Hawkins looked to him. Taller said, "This perhaps can be done more effectively." His voice was completely emotionless.

He had no intention of precipitating a situation in which he would discover such powers to his sorrow. He said carefully, "You have indicated that you intend major changes in the lives of the People." "Of all Texcocans," Plekhanov said, "you Tulans are merely the beginning." Mynor, the aged priest, leaned forward. "But why? We do not want these changes whatever they may be.

"He's right," Joe Chessman said sourly. Reif nodded his head. "We must finish them now, if we can. The task will be twice as great next year." Plekhanov grumbled in irritation. "Half a million of them and something like forty thousand of our Tulans." Reif corrected him. "Some thirty thousand Tulans, all infantrymen." He added, "And eight thousand allied cavalry only some of whom can be trusted."

Rank upon rank upon rank. The Tulan infantry had taken less than half a day to enter. They had camped and rested during the interval, the only action being on the part of the rival cavalry forces. Now the thirty thousand Tulans went into their phalanx and began their march across the valley.

"... To all sections of the State, have made a beginning in naval science, and, of course, haven't ignored the arts." "On the face of it," Mayer nodded, "hardly approaching Genoa." Plekhanov rumbled indignantly, "We started two ethnic periods behind you. Even the Tulans were still using bronze, but the Genoese had iron and even gunpowder.

He was accompanied by Joe Chessman, Natt Roberts and Barry Watson of his original group, but four young, hard-eyed, hard-faced and armed Tulans were also in the party. Their space lighter swooped in, nestled to the Pedagogue's hull in the original bed it had occupied on the trip from Terra City, and her port opened to the corridors of the mother ship.