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After he had turned a few trowelfuls of soil he spoke exultantly to Dickon in his best Yorkshire. "Tha' said as tha'd have me walkin' about here same as other folk an' tha' said tha'd have me diggin'. I thowt tha' was just leein' to please me. This is only th' first day an' I've walked an' here I am diggin'." Ben Weatherstaff's mouth fell open again when he heard him, but he ended by chuckling.

She puffs the incense full in his face; but he receives it with pleasure, and snuffs it up very cordially." Lord Minto, whose friendship for Nelson was of proof, wrote eighteen months after this to his wife: "She goes on cramming Nelson with trowelfuls of flattery, which he goes on taking as quietly as a child does pap." "Lady Hamilton," wrote Mrs. St.

People of San Diego, long live the King! Long live Spain! Long live the friars! Long live the Catholic Religion!" Many voices were raised in answer, adding, "Long live the Señor Alcalde!" He then majestically descended to the strains of the band, which began to play, deposited several trowelfuls of mortar on the stone, and with equal majesty reascended. The employees applauded.

After he had turned a few trowelfuls of soil he spoke exultantly to Dickon in his best Yorkshire. "Tha' said as tha'd have me walkin' about here same as other folk an' tha' said tha'd have me diggin'. I thowt tha' was just leein' to please me. This is only th' first day an' I've walked an' here I am diggin'." Ben Weatherstaff's mouth fell open again when he heard him, but he ended by chuckling.