United States or Madagascar ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Her loveliness of Nature and beautiful works of art; her magnificent Cathedrals and splendid Palaces; her treasure-filled galleries and wonderful museums; her noble monuments and queenly ruins fit emblems of her glorious past; and to her generous and patriotic men and women a reluctant adieu and tender farewell.

His eyes were masked by deeply browned glasses, for he was bent upon literary pursuits, witness the corpulent, paper-covered volume under his arm. Adjusting his chair to the angle of ease, he tipped back against the wall and made tentative entry into his book. What a monumental work was that in the treasure-filled recesses of which the young explorer was straightway lost to the outer world!

Then, at his direction, by the use of her mysterious instinct for minerals, she could trace still further the treasure-filled ledges from the spring or ore shute where her initial discovery had been made.

"Well, you've got a nerve!" cried Frank, "to think that you are not going to get a share. Why we are all in on this, and, when we have all the stuff out and get it valued, we'll divide it up in fair proportion." "You won't get me to take any of it," grumbled old Ben obstinately, grubbing away in the treasure-filled box.