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There was a general move towards the door. "Good-bye" Magda's slim hand lay for a moment in Quarrington's. "I I'm sorry you're going away, Saint Michel." Only Michael heard the last two words, uttered in that trainante, slightly husky voice that held so much of music and appeal. He turned abruptly and made his way out of the room in the wake of Gillian and Lady Arabella.

"Livingstone will be charmed to find you here, Mr. Hammond," he said, in a voice that, though slightly affected and traînante, was very musical. "I don't know if he ever mentioned Charley Forrester to you, who must do the honors of the barrack-room in his absence?"

But Ann, preoccupied with Dick Turpin's vagaries, was not looking at her. "Oh, he's tall," she made answer. "And has grey eyes. There's a little white scar just under one of them." The woman beside her drew a quick breath. "Ah" the sweet, trainante voice was a fraction uneven. "Then it is the man I've met."

"Mamma," cried Vixen, flinging aside a tapestry portière, and bouncing into the drawing-room, "here's Roderick, and he's come to dinner, and you must excuse his shooting-dress, please. I'm sure pa will." "Certainly, my dear Violet," replied a gentle, traînante voice from the fire-lit dimness near the velvet-curtained hearth. "Of course I am always glad to see Mr. Vawdrey when your papa asks him.