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He is a young man, a little above the middle height, elegantly dressed. He wore on that evening a high hat. He carried an umbrella, and smoked a trabucos cigar in a holder." "Ridiculous!" cried Gevrol. "This is too much." "Too much, perhaps," retorted old Tabaret. "At all events, it is the truth. If you are not minute in your investigations, I cannot help it; anyhow, I am, I search, and I find.

"Trabucos." "Do you not use a cigar-holder, to keep your lips from contact with the tobacco?" "Yes, sir," replied Albert, much surprised at this series of questions. "At what time did you go out?" "About eight o'clock." "Did you carry an umbrella?" "Yes." "Where did you go?" "I walked about." "Alone, without any object, all the evening?" "Yes, sir."

Look at this cigar end, found on the scene of the crime, and tell me of what brand it is, and how it was smoked." "It is a trabucos, and was smoked in a cigar-holder." "Like these?" persisted the magistrate, pointing to the cigars and the amber and meerschaum-holders found in the viscount's library. "Yes!" murmured Albert, "it is a fatality a strange coincidence."

Mivers, he, the Parson, and Sir Peter were seated in the host's parlour, the Parson in an armchair by the ingle, smoking a short cutty-pipe; Mivers at length on the couch, slowly inhaling the perfumes of one of his own choice trabucos. Sir Peter never smoked. There were spirits and hot water and lemons on the table. The Parson was famed for skill in the composition of toddy.

Now confess your guilt, for it is the only thing left you to do, and I will give you permission to smoke in your dungeon some of those excellent trabucos you are so fond of, and which you always smoke with an amber mouthpiece." During this speech, M. Tabaret had gained at least a couple of inches in height, so great was his enthusiasm.

The deception is too great for a man of his age; and hasn't he seen the sheets of 'Fifty Years of Misrule, which we have begun printing on the presses of the Porvenir, littering the Plaza, floating in the gutters, fired out as wads for trabucos loaded with handfuls of type, blown in the wind, trampled in the mud? I have seen pages floating upon the very waters of the harbour.

This lump of earth shows an admirable impression not only of the end of the stick, but even of the little round piece of wood which is always placed at the end of the silk. Perhaps you cannot get over the statement that he smoked a cigar? Here is the end of a trabucos that I found amongst the ashes. Has the end been bitten? No. Has it been moistened with saliva? No.

"Upon my word," answered Mivers, who had now finished his breakfast, retreated to an easy-chair, and taken from the chimney-piece one of his famous trabucos, "upon my word, I can't guess; if some great reverse of fortune befell him, and he had to work for his livelihood, or if some other direful calamity gave a shock to his nervous system and jolted it into a fussy, fidgety direction, I dare say he might make a splash in that current of life which bears men on to the grave.

So absorbed had I been in my comrade's words and intent on his advice that he had crept up without my observing him. Now I sprang to my feet and faced him. He was a tall, dark fellow, black-haired, black-eyed, black-bearded, with a long, sad face. In his hand he had a wine-bottle and over his shoulder was slung one of the trabucos or blunderbusses which these fellows bear.

You entered no place, not even a cafe or a theatre, or a tobacconist's to light one of your favourite trabucos?" "No, sir." "Well, it is a great misfortune for you, yes, a very great misfortune; for I must inform you, that it was precisely during this Tuesday evening, between eight o'clock and midnight, that Widow Lerouge was assassinated. Justice can point out the exact hour.