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And he went quietly through the house and up the staircase leading to Anne's tower-chamber, and the pretty apartment her Grace had prepared for her so lovingly to spend quiet hours in when she would be alone.

Round to other rooms came that cry of terror, arousing those two girls the one from her sleep, the other from her mournful vigil and drawing the family together, in pale groups, into the tower-chamber. The old countess was not dying, but dead.

In such dilemmas, the first suggestion generally proves the best; and on this occasion the servant was provided with one. "The tower-chamber," said he, in a half-suppressed voice, and casting a look of doubt on his master.

During the preparations for the obsequies the bride shows signs of approaching madness; she flies from her bridegroom, refuses to be united to him, and locks herself up in her tower-chamber.

She repeated this, panting for breath, as she sank down to the couch in her favorite tower-chamber, and took the delicate handkerchief of lace and cambric, on which Judson had just dropped some pungent perfume.

Meantime Clara went into the long picture gallery, and there among a crowd of statues, and deeply-toned pictures by the old masters, made the acquaintance of her stately ancestors, and of the ladies who had one and all been peeresses in their own right an access of rank, prized almost like a heritage of royalty by the old lady in the tower-chamber.

We will have to interfere with that, I fear. Better think it well over before you decide finally." With that he turned quickly on his heel and left the room, just in time to meet the head forester at its entrance. "Where have you been hiding yourself, Herbert?" Schönau asked impatiently. "I have been searching the whole place for you." "I went to the tower-chamber in search of my wife."

Then she ordered the old woman to arrange her bed beside the other servants, but still to leave the child in the tower-chamber. A dreadful fear had taken possession of Luckharde's guilty soul. Perhaps people were deceived when they believed Wiltrud to be dead, and it was thus that she returned at night to nurse her child.

She stood still for a moment, hesitating; then, ashamed of her irresolution, she crossed the corridor and ascended the small staircase which led to the tower-chamber. With a hasty movement she pushed open the door and entered the small slip that was at the end of her journey, and Thomas Seymour was already there.

Hannah Yates lost all the unnatural strength that had brought her among this splendor. She knew that it was scarcely possible that she could speak with Lady Carset that night, if she could, indeed, gain admittance to the castle; but she went around to a back entrance, and so made her way, unseen, to the tower-chamber, which opened into Lady Carset's dressing-room.