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And the old beast took her and shook her like a rat, until I covered him again, and swore in German that if he showed himself on the balcony for the next two minutes he'd be ein toter Englander! That was the other bit I'd got off pat; it was meant to mean 'a dead Englishman. And I left the fine old girl clinging on to him, instead of him to her!" I emptied my lungs and my glass too.

"You go ridin', too! I don't see no hoss! An' you ain't been astride no hoss in years, Sol Hyde!" "You deserve to be what you are, a hind, a toter o' burdens, Jim Hart, 'cause your mind is so slow an' dull. You ain't got no light, no imagination, no bloom, a-tall, a-tall! Did I say I wuz ridin' a real hoss? No, sir, not fur a second!

First off, you know, I had him card indexed as havin' more or less tabasco in his temper'ment, with a wide grumpy streak runnin' through his ego. And he is kind of crisp and snappy in his talk, I'll admit. Strangers might think he was a grouch toter. But that's just his way. It's all on the outside.

"I'm afraid I am a better hunter than I am a toter. Stacy, I fell in." "Ye-e-e-ow!" yelled the fat boy joyously. "Here, let us take him in," offered Ned, reaching for one end of the carrying stick. Butler shook his head. "I said I was going to get him to camp alone and I shall." "But " protested Ned. "Oh, let him carry the beast if he wants to. Tad likes to work," laughed the fat boy.

I wuz a water toter and had stood and seen um do him dat way more'n once and I stood and looked at um tel dey went 'way to de other rows and den I grabbed de dirt ofen him and he'd bresh de dirt off and say 'tank yo', git his hoe and go on back to work. Dey beat him lak dat and he didn' do a thin' to git dat sort uf treatment."

"Corporal!" shouted the Wagon Master with infinite scorn. "Measly $2-a-month water toter for the camp-guard, order me!" and he went off into a rolling stream of choice "army language." "He must certainly be a Kurnel," said Shorty. "Here," continued the Wagon Master, "if you don't want them two shoat-brands jerked offen you, jump in and get them wagons acrost. That's what you were sent to do.