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Within the wall, and backed by it, save where the gap had been broken, stood a group of roofless and half-dismantled outbuildings which our three officers studied in sheer amazement. "What on earth is the meaning of this?" "Married quarters," answered Sergeant Topase curtly. "You won't want 'em." "Married quarters?" "Leastways, that's what they was until three days ago.

Captain Pond's authority, however, was not to be disobeyed, and a quarter of an hour later he found himself, with Sergeant Topase beside him, on the platform of the eighteen-pounder battery, watching the first rosy streaks of dawn as they spread and travelled across the misty sea at his feet.

Captain Pond slipped an arm within the Doctor's, and together the three officers made a slow tour of the outer walls, plying Sergeant Topase with questions and disregarding his sulky hints that he, for his part, would be thankful to get a bite of breakfast. "But what have we here?" asked Captain Pond suddenly, coming to a halt.

And Great Britain engaged at this moment in the greatest war of its history! Oh, Doctor, Doctor these professionals!" Sergeant Topase shrugged his shoulders, and, concluding that his duties as a cicerone were at an end, edged away to the gatehouse for his breakfast. "Oh, these professionals!" ingeminated Captain Pond again, eyeing the breach and the dismantled married quarters.

The sergeant who answered to the incredible name of Topase wanted to know what was the sense of worriting about the fortifications at this hour of the day: and, if his language verged on insubordination, his wife's was frankly mutinous.

Captain Fond, emerging from the cell, gave orders to supply him with a loaf of bread and a pitcher of water. Down in Falmouth the bells were ringing for church. In the Castle a Sabbath stillness reigned. Sergeant Topase, napping and reading his Bible by turns before the gatehouse fire, remarked to his wife that on the whole these silly amachoors were giving less trouble than he had expected.

The workmen be pullin' 'em down to put up new ones." "And in pulling them down they have actually pulled down twelve feet of the wall protecting the fortress?" "Certainly: a bit of old wall and as rotten as touch. Never you fret: the Frenchies won't be comin' along whilst you're here!" thus Sergeant Topase in tones of fine sarcasm. "By whose orders has this breach been made?"