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I must therefore, once for all inform my Readers, that it is not my Intention to sink the Dignity of this my Paper with Reflections upon Red-heels or Top-knots, but rather to enter into the Passions of Mankind, and to correct those depraved Sentiments that give Birth to all those little Extravagancies which appear in their outward Dress and Behaviour.

"And how so, Mr. Wiseacre?" rejoined his comrade. "How so! Because the first shot that we fired would have set the devils upon them in right earnest and then their top-knots wouldn't have been worth a brass farthing. They would have been scalped before they could say Jack Robinson."

I saw a girl lay one hand on a young man and make a gesture upward with the other; at the same time she said something in the native with a gasping voice. Three little boys sat beside my path, where I must pass within three feet of them. Wrapped in their sheets, with their shaved heads and bits of top-knots, and queer faces, they looked like figures on a chimney-piece.

Thus top-knots have appeared in several species. In an extinct variety of the turkey, the top-knot consisted of bare quills surmounted with plumes of down, so that they somewhat resembled the racket- shaped feathers above described. In certain breeds of the pigeon and fowl the feathers are plumose, with some tendency in the shafts to be naked.

But it is a disgrace to them that they should have exposed you to dishonour, and not covered your nakedness decently." "You seem to be a brave army when you have people who are asleep to fight," remarked Golokopuitenko, glancing at the ramparts. "Wait a bit, we'll singe your top-knots for you!" was the reply.

Thus, for example, he tells us: "If two top-knotted canaries are matched, the young, instead of having very fine top-knots, are generally bald."

And as he spoke every one of the Gooeeays and everything they had with them was turned to stone. Even the waywahs round their waists, the top-knots on their heads, and the spears in their hands, even these turned to stone.

While the other mousmés walked along hand in hand, adorned with new silver top-knots which they had succeeded in having presented to them, and amusing themselves with playthings, she, pleading fatigue, followed, half reclining, in a djin carriage.

Here it was allowed to grow, and as years went by it grew quite long, and was braided in two plaits down his back. When Yung Pak grew to be a man the long hair was knotted up on top of his head, and for this reason many people call Koreans "Top-knots." But of this arrangement of the hair we shall tell more farther on. Ki Pak, Yung Pak's father, was one of the king's officials.

Tia Picores, meanwhile, was spitting oaths and insults into the face of Rosario, who stood there pale, fainting, in fright and horror at what she had done. Above the crowd outside the portico the top-knots of several policemen had appeared. The forces of law and order were trying to elbow their way into the throng. Sh ... h ... h! Tia Picores assumed command. "Back to your stalls, everybody!