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All this time Petrea sate silent, for however enlightened and unprejudiced people may be, they never can perfectly free themselves from the impression of certain circumstances, such as presentiments, omens, apparitions, and forebodings, which, like owls on noiseless wings, have flown through the world ever since the time of Adam, when they first shouted their ominous "Too-who! too-whit!"

And they said, 'Those little mice make us feel so nice and warm! Inky, dinky, doodum, day! Then they all began to sing, 'Too-whit! Too-who! I don't think much of this song, do you? But there's one thing about it 'tis certainly true Inky, dinky, doodum, day!" They reached the open; the gallop became a trot. "I go north here," said Foy at the cross-roads above the town. "Which way for you?"

"To what?" asked Bunker, only half awake. "Somebody is outside the tent, calling: 'Who? Who? Who?" said Tom. "I didn't do anything, did you? What do they holler 'who' for?" Bunker listened. Surely enough he heard very plainly: "Who? Who? Too-who?" "Hear it?" asked Tom. "Yes, it's only an owl," Bunker answered. "There's lots of 'em in these woods." "What's an owl?" Tom wanted to know.

Outside the tent he heard a mournful: "Whoo! Who? Too-who!" "Oh, I know what that is now!" cried Bunny. "It's an owl." "Does an owl bite?" asked Sue: "Sure they do!" In the dim moonlight that shone into the tent Bunny could see his sister get out of her cot, put on her slippers and dressing robe, and then take up her Teddy bear, turning on the eyelights. "Where are you going?" asked Bunny.