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Twelve couples were engaged, continually changing partners. Tonton danced with Tréville, Suzanne with Olivier, and I with Neville. Alas, alas! all things earthly have an end, and at two in the morning the ball was over. When we reached our chamber I saw that my sister had something to tell me. "Ah!" said she, "have patience. I will tell you after we get into bed."

Behold, now, by what a simple accident the hat was discovered. Tonton de Blanc had one of the prettiest complexions in the world, all lily and rose, and what care she took of it! She never went into the yard or the garden without a sunbonnet and a thick veil.

Clear and mellow her voice sounded in the night air. "Chasseur, chasseur, chassez encore, Quittez Rosette et Jeanneton, Tonton, tonton, tontaine, tonton, Ou, pour, rabattre, des l'aurore, Que les Amours soient de planton, Tonton, tontaine, tonton."

They had said Tonton would die of jealousy at our rich toilets. Nothing of the sort. She came to us with her habitual grace, kissed us, ignoring etiquette and the big eyes made by the Countess Madelaine.

His broad-skirted coat, long vest, and breeches were of black woolen stuff. His black stockings were also of wool. His garters and shoes were without buckles. But serving him as a garter, and forming a rosette on the front of the leg, he wore a ribbon of plaided rose and black. And Tonton.

At thirteen years Tonton, eldest daughter of Commandant Louis de Blanc and sister of Chevalier de Blanc, had been espoused to Dr. du Rocher, at least forty years older than she.

But he danced with all the young girls in the room and pretended to be very gay. While I was dancing with him I said: "How pretty Tonton is this evening!" And I understood the spite that made him reply: "Ah! mademoiselle, her beauty is certainly not to be compared with yours." After the supper, which was magnificent, the bolero was danced.

I understood the discontent that knit my father's brows and the alacrity with which he descended the church steps. Tonton saw and came to us so fresh, so young, she was indeed the queen of beauty and fashion. Out of nothing Tonton could work wonders.

He had christened her 'Tonton, an abbreviation of Touareg. In the morning the cradle was bound on an ass, and behold Tonton following the column with the baggage, in the convoy of the rear guard, under the indulgent eye of Michel. "This lasted for days and weeks.

I am called Tonton de Blanc." "The widow du Rocher!" cried Olivier, from the other side. "Ah, this is too much!" she exclaimed. "If you don't stop these ridiculous jokes at once I'll make Neville call you out upon the field of battle." ... But a little while afterward Celeste whispered in my ear that her brothers had said truly.