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Only two peoples ca'n't talk comfably togevver, when one's getting up a tree, and the other isn't!"

By this time Pamela was completely dissolved in tears tears of indignation as well as of grief. "Bruvver," she began again, "how can you say that? Us has always been togevver. How can you fink I would ever say it was most your fault, not if you was ever so drownded. But oh, bruvver, don't frighten me so." Duke's own tears were flowing too.

But my new mamma loves me all the time an' all day an' all night an' every day an' every night an' always. An' we dust have the bestest times togevver, an' I love her dust all I can love anybody."

If we was to pall in togevver vis trip maybe we might do somefing togevver when we hit up in Sydney." "Put it there, mate," said the pock-marked man, holding out his hand to the farm lads, "and we'll wet it." They all got up. Ole Fred, noticing Marcella looking at him with frank curiosity as she tried to translate his queer, clipped English, gave her what he imagined to be a friendly smile.

"She's about as big as you and me put togevver." "Well," said Budge, "you're four an' I'm six, an' four an' six is ten I guess ten'll be about the thing." Mrs. Burton's plate was removed, and the pennies were deposited in a circle. There was some painful counting and recounting, and many disagreements, additions and subtractions.

"I have called you togevver," went on Daisy bravely, "so we might enjoy the travels of Saint Paul, which belongs to the magic lantern Santa Claus brought me this morning for Christmas, because I'm such a good little girl. Saint Paul was a kind of a sailor, too, and got shipwrecked, like Mr. Bob, in an awful storm. I used to know all about Saint Paul, but somehow I've got mixed up about him since.

"So the boy did it with his father's razor, and it thundered and lightened, and his father came and scolded over the back fence, but the prince waved his magic cut toe; then they all banged and went up on a Fourth of July sky rocket, till the father fell off and bumped all his crossness out of him, and like birds of a fevver, they all lived togevver afterwards." "The saints be praised," said Mrs.

And you won't tell without me knowing, will you, sister?" "For sure not," replied Pamela indignantly. "Us must do it togevver like always. But there's Miss Mitten coming I hear her. Wait till after she's gone, bruvver, and then I'll tell you what I've been finking." With this Duke was obliged to content himself.