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"No, taint hard. It's impossible." Another laugh. "This one's kind of spiritless, that's certain." "Couldn't be the other way in his case." "Why?" "Don't you know the secret of his birth?" "No! has he got a secret of his birth?" "You bet he has." "What is it?" "His father was a wax-figger." Allen came strolling by where the pair were sitting; stopped, and said to the tinner;

There were carpenters, plasterers, painters, paper-hangers, and a tinner and glazier, and when they learned that I wanted that little house completely renovated in the course of the afternoon, they looked upon the business as a lark, and entered into it with great spirit.

Teddy, called on me one morning as I sat under a willow tree watching the tinner at work on the roof and wondering whether it was really as nice and warm on a tin roof under an unobscured sun as it seemed to be. "Do you know," said Mr. Teddy, cordially, "this is the first time I have ever visited this place.

A convenient alcohol lamp may be made by taking a tin box, placing a tube in it, and putting in a common lamp wick. Any tinner can make one in a few minutes, at a trifling cost. Place the alcohol lamp under the chair, without the dish of water. Then place the patient on the chair, as in the vapor bath, and let him remain until a gentle and free perspiration is produced.

But Tracy's movements had been watched, and in a few minutes the tormentors came straggling one after another to the roof, where they began to stroll up and down in an apparently purposeless way. But presently they fell to dropping remarks that were evidently aimed at Tracy, and some of them at the tinner.

"Ged!" said the major, with a wheezy laugh, "you'd have thought I wanted to borrow money if I had said as much. Look here now, we'll go into White's private billiard-room, and I'll let you have two hunthred out of five for a tinner though it's as good as handing you the money to offer you such odds. You can talk this over while we play." "No, no, major," urged the junior partner.

T'en t'ey will go to tinner six or eight of t'em toget'er een a leetle room at Maxime's, where t'ey can make so much noise as pleases t'em only I will not pe t'ere in all t'at great city, nowhere will I pe! Unt I am missed, monsieur, no more t'an iss a grain of sand from t'e peach out yonder!" His voice trembled and broke, and he ran his hands through his hair in a very agony of despair.

A story is told of him that he once ordered up enough dinner for three. Noting that the servant dawdled about, Händel demanded why; the servant answered that he was waiting for the company to come, whereupon Händel stormed, in his famous broken English, "Den pring up der tinner prestissimo. I am de gombany."

"I will tell you all about it; but I have come home to have dinner with you " "Tinner! tinner!" cried Schmucke in ecstasy; "but it is impossible!" the old German added, as he thought of his friend's gastronomical tastes; and at that very moment he caught sight of Mme. Cibot listening to the conversation, as she had a right to do as his lawful housewife.

He found the young tinner up there, alone and brooding, and entered into conversation with him. They were pretty fairly matched, now, in unpopularity and general ill-luck and misery, and they had no trouble in meeting upon this common ground with advantage and something of comfort to both.