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I intended to make for the sea-shore the next morning, and had therefore to choose a good petrol motor, store it, and have it in a place of safety; I had also to drag another vehicle after me, stored with trunks of time-fuses, books, clothes, and other little things.

My first search was for time-fuses of good type, of which I needed two or three thousand, and after a wearily long time found a great number symmetrically arranged in rows in a range of buildings called the Ordnance Store Department.

He holds himself coldly aloof from the rest of us, brooding over the greatness of his responsibilities; and when he speaks, it is to refer darkly to "detonators," and "primers," and "time-fuses." And we, who once addressed him derisively as "Anarchist," crowd round him and hang upon his lips.

The shells had time-fuses, and they were timed to the tenth of a second. They burst simultaneously over the airships. Then came a rending of the atmosphere, and descending streams of fire, which burst with a rapid succession of sharp reports as they touched the airships.

George's impatient and glowering meditations the hour was then near four were broken in upon by several interruptions, which came on him in quick succession, as though detonated by brief-interval time-fuses. The first was the entrance of that straw-haired misspeller of his letters who had succeeded Betty Sheridan as guardian of the outer office. "Mr. Doolittle is here," she announced.

Well, the most of that same day I spent in a high chamber at Woolwich, dusting out, and sometimes oiling, time-fuses: a work in which I acquired such facility in some hours, that each finally occupied me no more than ninety to a hundred seconds, so that by evening I had, with the previous day's work, close on 600.

The thin jean garments and great knee boots, which had no longer any rents in them, suited the well-proportioned frame. "I was disappointed about the electric firing gear ordered from Vancouver, but I think the coupled time-fuses should serve almost as well," said Thurston, acknowledging Helen's presence with a bow that was significant. "You appear interested, Miss Savine.

Well, at any rate, battery six was all right, even when commanded by a noodle! The shooting went on steadily. Now the distance had been ascertained the shrapnels were fired off by means of time-fuses; and they exploded regularly each time over the mark, the little clouds of smoke showing up picturesquely against the dark background of the wood.

They dined together in a corner of the restaurant. "We have solved the problem of those tubes," said Marnier. "They are nothing more nor less than time-fuses." "Time-fuses!" Hillyard repeated. "I don't understand." "Listen!" Marnier looked around. There was no one near enough to overhear him, if he did not raise his voice; and he was careful to speak in a whisper. "Two things."

Two German time-fuses with fetishistic-looking brass heads. A clip of German cartridges with the bullets villainously reversed. A copper loving-cup i.e., an empty shell-case presented to me with a florid speech by Major S on behalf of the th Battery of the R.F.A.