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J.J.M. de Groot, The Religious System of China, v. A. C. Kruijt, "De weerwolf bij de Toradja's van Midden-Celebes," Tijdschrift voor Indische Taal- Landen Volkenkunde, xli. pp. 548-551, 557-560. A.C. Kruijt, op. cit. pp. 552 sq. A.C. Kruijt, op. cit. pp. 553. Petronius, Sat. 61 sq. Fr. It is to be regretted that we have no such general term in English.

I have discussed the history of early Christian attempts to distinguish false from true prophets in "De strijd tusschen het oudste Christendom en de bedriegers" in the Theologisch Tijdschrift, xlii. 395-411. The history of the phrase in the Old Testament and in Jewish literature is discussed by G. F. Moore in the Prolegomena to Acts, pp. 346 ff. W. C. Allen is a noteworthy exception.

J.L. van Hasselt, "Eenige aanteekeningen aangaande de bewoners der N. Westkust van Nieuw Guinea," Tijdschrift voor Indische Taal-Landen Volkenkunde, xxxi. p. 587. A. Bastian, Die Völker des östlichen Asien, v. W.M. Gabb, "On the Indian Tribes and Languages of Costa Rica," Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society held at Philadelphia, xiv.