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"Thuu, thou hast not done well. Run to and fro and make sport, Thuu!" "I am ashamed. Kill me!" hissed the White Cobra. "There has been too much talk of killing. We will go now. I take the thorn-pointed thing, Thuu, because I have fought and worsted thee." "See, then, that the thing does not kill thee at last. It is Death! Remember, it is Death!

The ankus flew sparkling, and buried itself point down thirty yards away, between the trees. "So my hands are clean of Death," said Mowgli, rubbing his palms on the fresh, moist earth. "The Thuu said Death would follow me. He is old and white and mad." "White or black, or death or life, I am going to sleep, Little Brother. I cannot hunt all night and howl all day, as do some folk."

Here stood Little Foot, with his knee on a rock and yonder is Big Foot indeed!" Not ten yards in front of them, stretched across a pile of broken rocks, lay the body of a villager of the district, a long, small-feathered Gond arrow through his back and breast. "Was the Thuu so old and so mad, Little Brother?" said Bagheera gently. "Here is one death, at least." "Follow on.

They killed as soon as they could, but it was nearly three hours before they finished their meat and drink and buckled down to the trail. The Jungle People know that nothing makes up for being hurried over your meals. "Think you the pointed thing will turn in the man's hand and kill him?" Mowgli asked. "The Thuu said it was Death."

"I will show it to him; but what did the Thuu mean when he talked of death?" "I cannot say. I am sorrowful to my tail's tail that he felt not thy knife. There is always evil at Cold Lairs above ground or below. But now I am hungry. Dost thou hunt with me this dawn?" said Kaa. "No; Bagheera must see this thing. Good hunting!"

"A man has taken it. Here is the trail." "Now we shall see whether the Thuu spoke truth. If the pointed thing is Death, that man will die. Let us follow." "Kill first," said Bagheera. "An empty stomach makes a careless eye. Men go very slowly, and the Jungle is wet enough to hold the lightest mark."