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Lawry did not need any prompting to do his duty; but before he could let go the throat-halyard, the squall was upon the sloop. Mr.

He had ordered the helm to be put up; and Watson had seized an axe, waiting his directions to cut away the mainmast, when the throat-halyard block parted, the peak-halyards had already been let go, and the mainsail coming in of itself, the vessel righted in an instant; then, feeling her helm, and the headsail being yet set, she flew off before the squall.

"Why didn't you let go that throat-halyard?" said he, as he walked forward to where the young pilot stood. "I did," replied Lawry quietly. "You did! What was the use of lettin' it go after the squall had split the sail? Why didn't you do it sooner?" "I did it as soon as I saw the squall coming down on us." "Why didn't you see it before then?" growled Captain John.

He leaped over the piles of lumber to the forecastle, and had cast loose the peak-halyard, when Captain John tumbled up the companionway in time to see that he had lingered too long over the green-apple pie, and that one piece would have been better for his vessel, if not for him. "Let go the throat-halyard!" roared he. "Down with the mainsail! down with the mainsail!"