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It may thribble again, time they're old as we are now." "That's a long time to wait." "It's a long time to live a life-time, but everybody's got to live it." She stood, looking at him. "Look at all the good land right in here! Here we got walnut and hickory and oak worlds of it. We got sassafras and pawpaw and hazel brush. We get all the hickory nuts and pecans we like any fall.

He said he liked that boy; and he pleaded for him so winningly and funnily that the man who was hurt most laughed loudest. Standing up in the carriage, and holding me by the hand, he addressed them by their names: 'Sweetwinter, I thank you for your attention to my son; and you, Thribble; and you, my man; and you, Baker; Rippengale, and you; and you, Jupp'; as if he knew them personally.

"What's this? oh! a double letter for Colonel Thornton pshaw! that's all about political stuff! Who cares about reading that? I don't! He may have it to-night if he wants it! Stop! what's this? Lors! it's a thribble letter for for Marian Mayfield! And from furrin parts, too! "Sposen you niggers were to wait till I open the office. Ah! I'll keep this and read it before Miss Marian gets it."

I want to see the country before it gets too late for a good chance, Molly. First thing you know buffalo'll be getting scarce out West, too, like deer was getting scarcer on the Sangamon. We ought to give our children as good a chance as we had ourselves." "As good a chance! Haven't they had as good a chance as we ever had? Didn't our land more'n thribble, from a dollar and a quarter?

He could afford to be taken himself, for he was sure of a release sooner or later; but his whole being revolted at the idea of losing the riches of his burden and above all the secret, the secret that would make his fortunes thribble, the secret that would make him more powerful than heretofore. The King's favour would be boundless.

"I'm waiting for him to say a few words now. How about it, grandpa? Shall we each have a room or must we double up or thribble " "Peace!" called Allee in wild excitement, "there is Frances Sherrar's house!" "Where? Is it, grandpa?" asked Cherry, a little twinge of envy seizing her as she remembered her younger sisters' visit there a few weeks before.

"You can't 'spute the right an' custody of a man to his own son's chastisement, naw yit to 'low to dat son dat ef ever he let his maw git win' of it, he give him double an' thribble." When the women told him he lied he appealed to John, and the child nodded his head.

And that ain't all," exclaimed Miss Jane, solemnly; "Jack is ruined, and Rose is distracted." "Ah!" said the Squire. "Yes," said Miss Jane. "Trouble is always double and thribble. Rose was here last Tuesday, and she sot by the winder there and watched Jack all the time she stayed. "'That's what I call courtship at long taw, s' I.

He said he liked that boy; and he pleaded for him so winningly and funnily that the man who was hurt most laughed loudest. Standing up in the carriage, and holding me by the hand, he addressed them by their names: 'Sweetwinter, I thank you for your attention to my son; and you, Thribble; and you, my man; and you, Baker; Rippengale, and you; and you, Jupp'; as if he knew them personally.

Double and "thribble" bowls of punch were commonly served, holding respectively two and three quarts each, and many existing bills show what large amounts were drunk. Governor Hancock gave a dinner to the Fusileers at the Merchants' Club, in Boston, in 1792. As eighty dinners were paid for I infer there were eighty diners.