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At last he said deprecatingly: "We're about a mile aff the house now, Tammas. A must go roun' be a tank thonder, an' that manes lavin' ye yer lone. Jist go sthraight on an' ye'll come till the horse-paddock fence, wi' a wee gate in the corner, an' the house furnent ye. An' ye might tell hurself A'll be home atoast sundown."

I gaed up to Colquhoun Street one day to ask Walter, but he didna gie me muckle cuttin'. I say, he's gettin' on thonder. She flashed a peculiar, sly glance at Gladys, and under it the latter's sensitive colour rose. 'I always knew he would, she replied quietly. 'And he has not heard anything, either? Do you ever see her father and mother? 'No; but it's the same auld sang.

"Ay, ay, the father o' him was free with his gifts too," said her father. "They will all be thonder, I am thinking. Laird and leddies and bastards, the whole clamjamfry. We will be hoping for a good day at the time o' the year." "John McCook would be telling me there will be a ploy that night at the Cleiteadh mor," said the lass; "the folk will have a cargo ready.

"Yis," replied the contractor frankly. "There was some Irish rascals at the pub. thonder, where we stapped las' night; an' wan word brung on another, an' at long an' at last we fell to, so we did; on' A'm dam but they got the betther o' me, being three agin wan. A b'lee some o' me ribs is bruk." "I'm sorry to hear that," said Thompson, straining a point for courtesy.