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The army of Têng Chiu-kung was camped at San-shan Kuan, when he received orders to proceed to the battle then taking place at Hsi Ch'i. There, in standing up to No-cha and Huang Fei-hu, he had his left arm broken by the former's magic bracelet, but, fortunately for him, his subordinate, T'u Hsing-sun, a renowned magician, gave him a remedy which quickly healed the fracture.

The story of Tukang Burok's love, related in the old man's own words, conveys the very breath of Malay thought and speech. In "His Little Bill," the coolie, Lim Teng Wah, facing his debtor, stands very distinct before us, an insignificant and tragic victim of fate with whom he had quarrelled to the death over a matter of seven dollars and sixty-eight cents.

A misstep of his horse would surely have precipitated his hanging, and he knew well that such an accident would have given much satisfaction to his captors. So he uttered a fervent "Teng Gawd!" as he was hustled into the jail gate and heard it close behind him. Early as it was, most of the town was up and excited.

"All!" exclaimed the girl; "you won't say a letter is a little 'all' when you hear what it did. The mailbag came across this afternoon when we were sitting at the Teng, never thinking! and uncle got a letter from the young Laird of Lunda which made him furious. You know what happens when Uncle Brüs is angry." "I know. I'm glad it does not happen often, poor old man! Well, what next?"

After we arrived at the inn my postilion and I refreshed ourselves: he hung his horn on a peg near the kitchen fire; I sat on the other side. Suddenly we heard a tereng, tereng, teng, teng.

After we arrived at the inn my postillion and I refreshed ourselves: he hung his horn on a peg near the kitchen fire; I sat on the other side. Suddenly we heard a tereng! tereng! teng! teng!

The functions discharged by Hêng and Ha at the gates of Buddhist temples are in Taoist temples discharged by Blue Dragon and White Tiger. The former, the Spirit of the Blue Dragon Star, was Têng Chiu-kung, one of the chief generals of the last emperor of the Yin dynasty. He had a son named Têng Hsiu, and a daughter named Ch'an-yü.

But as they felt icy cold to his touch, "Come at once under the cover and warm yourself!" Pao-yue urged. Hardly, however, had he concluded these words, than a sound of 'lo teng' reached their ears from the door, and She Yueeh rushed in all in a tremor, laughing the while. "I've had such a fright," she smiled, as she went on speaking. "Goodness me!

Jan Têng, on P'êng-lai Mountain, in consultation with Tzu-ya, also arranged the plan of battle. The Red Sand Battle The fight began with a challenge from the Ancient Immortal of the South Pole to Chang Shao. The latter, riding his deer, dashed into the fray, and aimed a terrific blow with his sword at Hsien-wêng's head, but White Crane Youth warded it off with his Three-precious Jade Sceptre.

"Aye ent no fule, yentlemen; Aye know ven Aye ban doing right teng. Master Bost he say 'Keep on running! Aye gass I run till hal freeze on top. Aye ent know why. Master Bost he know, I tenk." "This is awful," said Lambert, the manager of the team. "He's taken Bost literally again the chump. He'll run till he lands up in those pine woods again. And that ball cost the association five dollars.