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The Telemark is far better than any or all of these; it is the Telemark, noted above all countries in the world for the beauty of its scenery. The writer has had the pleasure of visiting it.

"Yes, it is I your betrothed soon to be your husband!" "Yes, soon, my children, very soon!" exclaimed Sylvius Hogg. "We will leave this very evening for Dal. And if such a thing was never seen before, it will be seen now. A professor of law, and a member of the Storthing will be seen dancing at a wedding like the wildest youth in the Telemark."

We have very little left in the way of ham and smoked salmon, and I don't want to run any risk of being caught with an empty larder. Tourists are likely to begin their excursions to the Telemark almost any day now; especially, if the weather should become settled, and our establishment must be in a condition to receive them. Do you realize that this is the fifteenth of April?"

Besides, I have thought of a plan which will not prove a bad one perhaps. Why can't we establish a messenger service between Drammen, Kongsberg and a few other towns in the Telemark Communication now is neither easy nor regular, and there might be money in the scheme. Besides, I have other plans, to say nothing of " "Of what?" "Never mind, now. I will tell you on my return.

He accompanied him on his excursions to the mountains, and across the highest table-lands of the Telemark. The young sailor seemed as much at home in the fields as in the fiords, and never lagged behind unless it was to keep his cousin Hulda company.

Four continuous lifted Stemming turns on a slope of hard snow at an angle of not less than 30 degrees. Four continuous Telemark turns on a slope of soft snow at an angle of not less than 30. Four consecutive jump-turns to connect downhill tacks on a slope of breakable crust at an angle of about 30 degrees. The turns must be done round sticks or flags placed by the Judges.

Nor does he have an opportunity to visit the falls of Trolletann, nor Drammen, nor Kongsberg, nor any of the beauties of the Telemark. In those days the railroad existed only upon paper. Twenty years were to elapse before one could traverse the Scandinavian kingdom from one shore to the other in forty hours, and visit the North Cape on excursion tickets to Spitzberg.

Upon his head he wore a broad-brimmed brown hat with a red-and-black band, and his legs were usually incased either in coarse cloth gaiters or in long stout boots without heels. His vocation was that of a mountain guide in the district of the Telemark, and even in the Hardanger.

The horizon, too, is distinctly visible for a long while after sunset, the atmosphere is so pure. It is a beautiful and varied drive from Bamble to Kongsberg. The road passes through Hitterdal and to the south of Lake Fol, traversing the southern part of the Telemark, and serving as an outlet to all the small towns and hamlets of that locality.

"You are not tired, my good Joel?" inquired the professor, as he alighted from the kariol. "No, Monsieur Sylvius. You forget that I am accustomed to long tramps through the Telemark." "That is true. Tell me, do you know the most direct route from Moel to Christiania?" "Perfectly, sir.