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"SECOND LADY. Pray, Mrs. "THIRD LADY. Indeed, madam, you should have patience; his lordship was old. To die is but going before in a journey we must all take. Enter TATTLEAID, loaded with bottles; THIRD LADY takes a bottle from her and drinks. "FOURTH LADY. Lord, how my Lady Fleer drinks! Hark ye was seen with him in a hackney coach. "SECOND LADY. Impudent flirt, to be found out!

"WIDOW. But I must beseech you, ladies, since you have been so compassionate as to visit and accompany my sorrow, to give me the only comfort I can now know, to see my friends cheerful, and to honour an entertainment Tattleaid has prepared within for you.

"WIDOW. Ay, Tattleaid, they imagine themselves mighty things, but government founded on force only, is a brutal power we rule them by their affections, which blinds them into belief that they rule us, or at least are in the government with us.

"TATTLEAID. They are the country great fortunes, have been out of town this whole year; they are those whom your ladyship said upon being very well-born took upon them to be very ill-bred." "WIDOW. Did I say so? Really I think it was apt enough; now I remember them.

The former has wakened from his cataleptic trance, as the faithful Trusty watched beside him, and is horrified to learn of Lady Brumpton's lack of grief. But hush; he will conceal himself, for here comes my lady, accompanied by her woman and confidant, Mistress Tattleaid. "Enter WIDOW and TATTLEAID, meeting and running to each other. "WIDOW. Oh, Tattleaid, his and our hour has come!