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TARUNTIUS. Notwithstanding its comparatively low walls, this ring-plain, 44 miles in diameter, is a very conspicuous object under a rising sun. Like Vitello and a few other formations, it has an inner ring on the floor, concentric with the outer rampart, which I have often seen nearly complete under evening illumination.

The Cauchy cleft, however, lies N. of these, and terminates, as shown by Schmidt, among the mountains N.E. of Taruntius. There is a number of minute craters and mounds standing on the S. side of this cleft, and many others in the vicinity. JANSEN. Owing to its comparatively low border, this is not a very conspicuous object.

To these may be added the district round Taruntius in the Mare Foecunditatis, and portions of other regions referred to in the catalogue, where I have remarked a very decided sepia colour under a low sun.

Another cleft, also terminating at this crater, runs towards Arago and the more northerly of the protuberances. CAUCHY. A bright little crater, not more than 7 or 8 miles in diameter, on the W. side of the Mare Tranquilitatis, N.E. of Taruntius.

Two low dusky rings and a long narrow valley with brilliant flanks are prominent objects on the plain E. of Taruntius under a low evening sun. SECCHI. A partially enclosed little ring-plain S. of Taruntius, with a prominent central mountain and bright walls. There is a short cleft running in a N.E. direction from a point near the E. wall. Schmidt represents it as a row of inosculating craters.