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"The Gandharva said, 'O son of Pritha, O foremost of all intelligent men, I will duly recite to you in full this charming narrative. O, listen with attention to what I say in explanation of why I have addressed thee as Tapatya. That one in heaven who pervadeth by his light the whole firmament had a daughter named Tapati equal unto himself.

"The Gandharva continued, 'This, O Partha, is the history of Tapati of old, the daughter of Vivaswat. King Samvarana begot upon Tapati a son named Kuru, who was the foremost of ascetics. Born in the race of Kuru, thou art, O Arjuna, to be called Tapatya." Once on a time, while out in quest of deer, the king became weak with exertion and thirst.

"The Gandharva said, 'O son of Pritha, O foremost of all intelligent men, I will duly recite to you in full this charming narrative. O, listen with attention to what I say in explanation of why I have addressed thee as Tapatya. That one in heaven who pervadeth by his light the whole firmament had a daughter named Tapati equal unto himself.

"The Gandharva continued, 'This, O Partha, is the history of Tapati of old, the daughter of Vivaswat. King Samvarana begot upon Tapati a son named Kuru, who was the foremost of ascetics. Born in the race of Kuru, thou art, O Arjuna, to be called Tapatya." "The Gandharva continued, 'Once on a time, while king Viswamitra went quest of deer, the king became weak with exertion and thirst.