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In 1870 the position of the slit was tangential it ran along the shallow bed of incandescent vapours, instead of cutting across it: hence his success. The same observation was made at Xerez de la Frontera by Mr. Pye, a member of Young's party; and, although an exceedingly delicate one, has since frequently been repeated.

For in the round arch the vertical has not conquered after all; the horizontal is still active there, even to the apex of the arch, where the tangential line is parallel to the earth, the line of weight.

When did a bookseller ever make any real contribution to the world's happiness? MIFFLIN Dr. Johnson's father was a bookseller. GLADFIST Yes, and couldn't afford to pay for Sam's education. FRUEHLING There's another kind of tangential advertising that interests me. Take, for instance, a Coles Phillips painting for some brand of silk stockings.

Dick questioned in the disconcerting, tangential way that was already habitual to him, as his school companions and teachers had learned to their cost. Mr. Crockett for the first time cleared his throat for pause. "I'm paying her, ain't I?" Dick prodded. "Out of the twenty million, you know." "The spit of his father," said Mr. Slocum in an aside. "Mrs.

It exhibits a very different appearance from that of our mountain ranges, which are for the most part the result of a tangential action. In the case of the earth, the hard stratified crust had to adapt itself to the shrunken diameter of the once much hotter globe.

While the force of gravitation draws all the atoms of the spheroid together, their tangential momentum is resolvable into two parts, of which one resists gravitation. The ratio which this centrifugal force bears to gravitation, varies, other things equal, as the square of the velocity.

Measuring the deflection in question which is equivalent to the so-called versed sine of the arc traversed we have a basis for determining the strength of the deflecting force. Newton constructed such a diagram, and, measuring the amount of the moon's departure from a tangential rectilinear course in one minute, determined this to be, by his calculation, thirteen feet.

I mean the elevation of mountain ranges through the contraction of the globe as a whole. By the action of gravity the former larger surface crushes down, as it were, the contracting interior; and the superfluous matter, which belonged to a bigger globe, arranges itself by tangential displacement, and accommodates itself to the altered or decreased size of the globe.

On the N.W. there is another bright crater, the largest of the row, running in a W.S.W. direction, and forming a W. extension of the remarkable crater-chain tangential to the borders of Almanon and Abulfeda. The only objects on the floor are three little hills, in a line, near the centre, a winding ridge on the W. side of it, and two or three other low elevations.

I could imagine only one word, and that a monosyllable, that would meet the case of their sentiments. And his dalliance, his tangential nocturnal deviations in gondolas with exquisite twin odalisques! There did not seem to be much room for amorous elegance in the lives of these invaders. And his death! What would they say of his death?