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"But if they do not conquer and the Shining One comes not to their aid, abandoning them even as it abandoned its own Taithu then will the Three be loosed from a part of their doom, and they will go through the Portal, seek the Shining One beyond the Veil, and, piercing it through fear's opening, destroy it." "That's quite clear," murmured the O'Keefe in my ear. "Weaken the morale then smash.

But for long the Murians feared the return of the Taithu and greatly they feared the Three. Even the Shining One feared those who had created it for a time; and not even now is it eager to face them that I know. Nor are Yolara and Lugur so sure. It may be that the Three commanded it: but how or why I know not. I only know that it is true for here am I and from where else would I have come?"

The moon king and his kind, through the guidance of the evil Taithu and the favour of the Shining One, had become powerful and the sun king and his were darkened. And the moon priests preached that the child of the Three was the moon god itself come to dwell with them. "Now vast tides arose and when they withdrew they took with them great portions of this country.

All about it were other temples hidden behind mighty walls, each enclosing its own space and squared and ruled and standing within a shallow lake; the sacred city, the city of the gods of this land " "It is the Nan-Matal that she is describing," I thought. "Out upon all this looked the Taithu who were now but the servants of the Shining One as it had been the messenger of the Three," she went on.

So it sent a message how I know not to the Taithu who desired it, whispering to them the secret of the Portal. And when the time was ripe they opened the Portal and the Shining One passed through it to them; nor would it return to the Three though they commanded, and when they would have forced it they found that it had hived and hidden a knowledge that they could not overcome.

"Not ignorant were the Taithu of the work of the Three. First there were a few, then more and more who coveted the Shining One and who would have had the Three share with them the knowledge it drew in for them. But the Silent Ones in their pride, would not.

Yet, being crafty, he thought of the power that would be his if he heeded and how quickly the strength of the sun king would dwindle. So he and his made a pact with the Shining One's messengers. "When next the moon was round and poured its flames down upon Moon Pool, the Taithu gathered there again, watched the child of the Three take shape within the pillars, speed away and out!

And the Three built them this place in which we sit and set the Portal in its place and withdrew from their kind to go alone into the mysteries and to map alone the facets of Truth Jewel. "Then there came the ancestors of the Akka; not as they are now, and glowing but faintly within them the spark of self-realization. And the Taithu seeing this spark did not slay them.

"Again it counselled them, and they pierced the passage whose portal you found first; set the fires within its stones, and revealing themselves to the moon king and his priests spake to them even as the Shining One had instructed. "Now was the moon king filled with fear when he looked upon the Taithu, shrouded with protecting mists of light in Moon Pool Chamber, and heard their words.

So were the Taithu split; and to this place where there had been none, came hatred, fear and suspicion. Those who pursued the ancient ways went to the Three and pleaded with them to destroy their work and they would not, for still they loved it.