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'Tis their own pride and ignorance which causes the disturbing, who neither will hear with meekness, nor can convince; yet all must be suppressed which is not found in their Syntagma. They are the troublers, they are the dividers of unity, who neglect and permit not others to unite those dissevered pieces which are yet wanting to the body of Truth.

Though he informs us in the preface that his object was to trace the outlines of the great "latifundium regni philosophici" in a single syntagma, yet he really does no more than arrange a number of separate treatises or manuals, and even dictionaries, within the limits of a couple of folios.

The learning of one man makes others learned, and the influence of genius is in nothing more remarkable than in its effects on its brothers. SELDEN'S treatise on the Syrian and Arabian Deities enabled MILTON to comprise, in one hundred and thirty beautiful lines, the two large and learned syntagma which Selden had composed on that abstract subject.

There be who perpetually complain of schisms and sects, and make it such a calamity that any man dissents from their maxims. It is their own pride and ignorance which causes the disturbing, who neither will hear with meekness, nor can convince, yet all must be suppressed which is not found in their Syntagma.

It is curious that Michael Prætorius in the "Syntagma musicum" should speak of the Galliard generally as an "invention of the devil, full of shameful and licentious gestures and immodest movements," and the singular melody of the Gagliarda in the "Areopagita" suite certainly exercised from the first a strange influence over me.

GASSENDI, "Syntagma." DR. J. M. GOODE, "Lucretius," Preface. LA PLACE, "Des Probabilities." Eccles. 9: 11; Luke 10: 31; Deut. 19: 5 DR. CUDWORTH, "Intellectual System," I. 33. American Edition. DR. JOHN COLLINGES, "On Providence." Dr. Price, "Dissertations." SAMUEL RUTHERFORD, "De Providentia Dei." DR. CHARNOCK, "On Providence." James 1: 13, 14. See M'LAURIN'S profound discourse on this text.

The visit was evidently over, and Hannibal, about to take his leave, was glancing around, evidently in search of the missing priest. Iddilcar spoke low and rapidly: "I will return at once. Wait me till I come, or I will have you given to a syntagma of Africans." He was out in the peristyle now, bowing low before the captain-general.