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On the other side, think of the stings of conscience, the illusions on which those feed who will not eat of the heavenly food, the husks of the swine-trough, the ashes for bread, that self and the world, in all their forms set before men.

I look only to the strong man, the man on horseback, to save the state from its own rotten futility." "Nietzsche was right. I won't take the time to tell you who Nietzsche was, but he was right. The world belongs to the strong to the strong who are noble as well and who do not wallow in the swine-trough of trade and exchange.

She was nine-and-twenty, and a birkie woman of nine-and-twenty can make a good husband out of very unpromising material. The Templar wore a scared look in those days and went home betimes. His cronies knew the fun was over when they heard what happened to the great punchbowl she made it a swine-trough.

I deemed it sufficient to pay my tithes of cummin and aniseed my poor petty moral observances of the old law; and I thought I was heaping up precious things, when they were in value no more than the husks of the swine-trough.

No more tending of the swine-trough. No more longing for the pods of the carob-tree. No more blistered feet. Off with the rags! On with the robe! Out with the ring! Even so does God receive every one of us when we come back.

Equity consists in getting your share from the Universal Swine-Trough, and part of another's. "Question. What is meant by 'your share'?" "Answer. My share is getting whatever I can contrive to seize without being made up into Side-Meat." I have slightly abridged this little extract and inserted it here to show the sympathy which Mr. Carlyle had for the dumb brute.

So would you be if you had wealth, for I fear you would only be worse Mammon-worshippers than now, and might well have to thank God for the misery of any swine-trough that could bring you to your senses. "But we do see people die of starvation sometimes, Yes. But if you did your work in God's name, and left the rest to Him, that would not trouble you.

"This may be called slaying a Cumnor fatted calf for me with a vengeance. But, uncle, I come not from the husks and the swine-trough, and I care not for thy welcome or no welcome; I carry that with me will make me welcome, wend where I will." So saying, he pulled out a purse of gold indifferently well filled, the sight of which produced a visible effect upon the company.

"And indeed," said the venerable compiler, "as, praised be God, we seldom meet in Scotland with these belly-gods and voluptuaries, whilk are unnatural enough to devour their patrimony bequeathed to them by their forbears in chambering and wantonness, so that they come, with the prodigal son, to the husks and the swine-trough; and as I have the less to dreid the existence of such unnatural Neroes in mine own family to devour the substance of their own house like brute beasts out of mere gluttonie and Epicurishnesse, so I need only warn mine descendants against over-hastily meddling with the mutations in state and in religion, which have been near-hand to the bringing this poor house of Croftangry to perdition, as we have shown more than once.

It seems to be making Christ a Minister of Sin to go straight from the swine-trough to the best robe. But he came to see that there is no other way, and that all his plausible reasonings were but the folly of his own beclouded heart. 'The weight of my sin, he writes, 'should act like the weight of a clock; the heavier it is, the faster it makes it go!