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Emerson told me about her. He seems quite fond of her." "I've always said they'd make a swell-looking pair." "One can hardly blame her for trying to catch him." "Oh, you can make book that she didn't start no love-making. She ain't the kind to curl up in a man's ear and whisper. She don't have to. All she needs to do is look natural; the men will fall like ripe persimmons."

Jack had never heard of the man before and was obviously uninterested. He did not seem to care if a dozen doubles came to town. "Oh, yes, there's another thing concerning you," Bob continued. "I was so interested in telling you about Prather that I near forgot it. A swell-looking fellow says he's a doctor and he's got New York written all over him came in yesterday particularly to see you."

It was a doll, not a very large doll; but Mary reflected that she had never thought she should care for a large doll. Undoubtedly it was a very nice one. Had she not found it in a swell part of the city, on the steps of a swell-looking house?

"He certainly is," he answered, "and he's going to have a very swell-looking rider, too. I like that blue dress and that neat little hat." "Glad you're suited," laughed Ruth. "He ought to have a name; do think up a nice name right off now so that I can have something to call him this afternoon."

"Those college flags give it just the right touch. And see the cosey-corner!" Glass regained his voice sufficiently to murmur, sarcastically, "Say, ain't this a swell-looking drum?" "We've used every bit of bunting on the ranch," said Jean. "See the Mexican shawls!" Mrs. Keap added. "And look," cried Miss Blake, "I brought you my prayer-rug!"

I didn't ask father. "No, he wasn't what you'd call a drinking man, though he liked a glass of beer once in a while. "I soon caught on now to do my work well; sometimes used to get tips, but not often, 'cause I had the family and ladies' department to wait on. There was one swell-looking lady used to eat there, and used to come to my table whenever she could.

He waited a few moments at a nearby livery stable, while the attendants brought out a very swell-looking and newly varnished trap, and put into the shafts a horse that would have held his own in Hyde Park. Chiswick high-road, with its constantly widening and narrowing perspectives, its jumble of old and modern houses, had never looked more cheerful as Jack drove rapidly westward.

"You're a swell-looking old pirate! ready to loot the sub-treasury and then scuttle the old craft with all hands on board! A breathing, speaking, robbing likeness!" "Maggie's right, and Nuts's right," put in Barney Palmer. "It's sure a rotten picture, and then again it sure looks like you, Jimmie."

Now that she looked at him again, Kedzie thought what an extraordinarily handsome, gloriously wicked-looking, swell-looking man he was. Yet the girl who had danced called him Peterkin which didn't sound very swell to Kedzie. He had very little to say to Zada, who did most of the talking. He smiled at her now and then behind his cigar and gave her a queer look that Kedzie only vaguely understood.

But Julius imagined that Waldron's close-set lips relaxed a little as he stared at Dorothy. The party came on into the inn; the sound of their voices and laughter died away. Some young people at a table near, who also had been looking out of a window, made various comments to which Julius listened with interest. "Swell-looking lot. Wonder who they are."