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Some Americanos are planning a gambling resort, just across the boundary line, and they call their company the Fortunatus Syndicate." "And your dad's mixed up with it, Hiram? That doesn't speak very well for him." "Maybe he's mixed up in it, and maybe he isn't. I wouldn't go and connect him with any gamblin' syndicate just because I found that there card under the sweatband of his Stetson.

The next morning, up in the woods above Alix's house, the crude black mask was found, and some distance farther on an old grey cap, from which the lining and sweatband had been ripped. The search for the man, however, was fruitless.

"But first, wait!" exclaimed the horse-breaker. "I bring you something of value, too." Desiring to render favor for favor, and to show that he was fully deserving of the general's generosity, José removed from inside the sweatband of his hat a sealed, stamped letter, which he handed to his employer.

"You have not been drinking. What do you suppose Sam and the boys will do to you for treating me in this manner?" "Now, that will do!" said Pete, hoarsely "You hold your tongue, young woman!" But Ratty only laughed. He accepted the letter, took off his sombrero, tucked it under the sweatband, and put on the hat again. Then he started lazily for the pony that he rode.

A bit of white showed under the sweatband. Westerners, of a certain type, sometimes carry important documents under the sweatband of their hats. Hiram pulled his object out of the Stetson, examined it, and then inquired his way to the nearest telegraph office. Five minutes later he had sent the following telegram: "OWEN CLANCY, the Motor Wizard, Phoenix, Arizona: Hot on the trail.

No, no, you can not invest in Fortunatus, for there is no Fortunatus." "This is your card, isn't it?" inquired Clancy, offering for inspection the card found wider the sweatband of the Stetson. "Why, si! I used that card at the time the Tia Juana matter looked very bright and promising. Now, though, I use the card no more."

He tore through his pockets, ransacked his wallet. They were nowhere to be found. All at once he remembered, and with a gasp of relief removed his hat and took them out from beneath the sweatband. The party entered and took their places. It was absurdly early. The lights were all darkened, the ushers stood under the galleries in groups, the empty auditorium echoing with their noisy talk.

The officer pulled off his helmet and plucked a card from the sweatband. "It says here, 'Kape 'em in order, be firm but pleasant, tell 'em to wait in turn, and' for meself 'to do no more talking than necessary. If there's to be a new rule to fit the case of Senators, the same will prob'bly be handed to me as soon as Senators are common on the calling-list."

Without the least compunction Racey tucked this letter into the breast pocket of his flannel shirt. Then he set about searching Tweezy's clothing with thoroughness. But other than the odds and odds usually to be found in a man's pockets there was nothing to interest the searcher. Racey carefully turned back the sweatband of the hat, placed the headpiece on top of the wagon-seat, and departed.

But, as we wheeled, a flicker of white showed inside the crown of Tweezy's hat where it lay on the floor. Racey swung back, stooped down, and turned out the leather sweatband of Tweezy's hat, at the edge of which had been revealed the bit of white. The latter proved to be one corner of a folded letter.