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So home and eat something, and then to my office a while, and so home to prayers and to bed. Being weary last night lay long, and called up by W. Joyce. So I rose, and his business was to ask advice of me, he being summonsed to the House of Lords to-morrow, for endeavouring to arrest my Lady Peters for a debt. I did give him advice, and will assist him.

Up, and all the morning at the office, where we sat, and my head was full of the business of Carcasse, who hath a hearing this morning before the Council and hath summonsed at least thirty persons, and which is wondrous, a great many of them, I hear, do declare more against him than for him, and yet he summonses people without distinction. Sure he is distracted.

'I can't stop now. I've got some things to put away, an' it's nearly eight. 'Come round to the Passage to-night. Be there at ten. 'I can't give no promise. There's been such rows at 'ome. You know mother summonsed father this mornin'? 'Yes, I've heard. All right! come if you can; I'll ho there. Pennyloaf hastened on.

I took the same view myself when in due time I found that I, too, was summonsed on charges ranging from the use of obscene language to endangering traffic. Judgment was done in a little pale-yellow market-town with a small, Jubilee clock-tower and a large corn-exchange. Woodhouse drove us there in his car. Pallant, who had not been included in the summons, came with us as moral support.

So home and eat something, and then to my office a while, and so home to prayers and to bed. Being weary last night lay long, and called up by W. Joyce. So I rose, and his business was to ask advice of me, he being summonsed to the House of Lords to-morrow, for endeavouring to arrest my Lady Peters for a debt. I did give him advice, and will assist him.

I found 'em in a house 'way out in the country midnight it was when we got thar. I'd summonsed the sher'f and two constables to go 'long. Farm-house was a underground railway station all right, and the farmer showed fight. We was too much fer him, and we taken 'em out at last, but one of the constables got shot some one fired right through the winder at us.

"They hed a reg'lar scrimmage hyar in the hall them fool men Quimbey an' Kittredge. Old man Quimbey said suthin' ter Abs'lom Kittredge I dunno what all. Abs'lom never jawed back none. He jes made a dart an' snatched this hyar leetle critter out'n his mother's arms, stiddier waitin' fur the law, what he summonsed himself.

Up, and all the morning at the office, where we sat, and my head was full of the business of Carcasse, who hath a hearing this morning before the Council and hath summonsed at least thirty persons, and which is wondrous, a great many of them, I hear, do declare more against him than for him, and yet he summonses people without distinction. Sure he is distracted.

Beyond it rises the large and uneven swish-house of the 'King, who has lately been summonsed, as a defaulting debtor, to Cape Coast Castle: the single black policeman who served the writ evidently looked upon us as his colleagues. The people eyed us with no friendly glances; they were 'making custom' for the ruler's return.

Tears of disappointment, which she vainly strove to hold back, rose to her eyes, as she grimly folded her arms, and facing him, said, "Now, what am I to do?" "Stay here for the present, Deborah," he answered. "Eh? A'n't I summonsed? The job I undertook isn't done yet; the wust part's to come! Maybe they'll let me off from puttin' the rope round his neck, but I a'n't sure o' that!"