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D'you bring me coffee on purpose, just to be onery? I thought I told yuh to straighten up and quit that sulkin'. I ain't going to have folks think " "Oh, be quiet! Shame on you, before everyone!" she whispered fiercely while she lifted the cup and saucer. Bud went hot all over.

"Sure, I saw him," replied the sprinter. "Well?" growled the coach. "Where is he? Sulkin' because I called him?" "Not so you'd notice it," answered Reddy, in his slow, careless manner. "I just woke him up." "What!" yelled Arthurs. "Peg came to my room after lunch and went to sleep. I woke him just now. He'll be down in a minute."

And in the light of this dramatic outburst of light, the girl saw her father seated at a table with his back turned toward her. She entered the room, then, with an aggrieved air, her logic evidently concluding that somebody was to blame for her nervous fright. "Oh, yer on'y sulkin' 'bout yer supper. I thought mebbe ye'd gone somewheres." Her father made no reply.

'I'm an ould fool, said Mulvaney, reflectively,'dhrag-gin' you two out here bekaze I was undher the Black Dog sulkin' like a child. Me that was soldierin' when Mullins, an' be damned to him, was shquealin' on a counterpin for five shillin' a week an' that not paid! Bhoys, I've took you five miles out av natural pevarsity. Phew!

"Where have you been sulking all this time?" was his master's greeting. "I havena been sulkin', my lord," answered Malcolm. "Yer lordship tauld me to haud oot o' the gait till I was fit to be seen, an' no a sowl has set an ee upo' me till this verra moment 'at yer lordship has me in yer ain." "Where have you been then?" "You couldn't encounter the shame of being seen with such a face eh?"

"I do hope she won't stay up there in the cold," said Mrs. Packer in an outburst of anxiety. "What's she sulkin' about now?" demanded the father, tipping his chair down emphatically on all four legs. The timid woman mustered all her bravery. "Why, when we saw Mr. Ferris out there talkin' with you, we were frightened for fear he was tryin' to persuade you about the big pines.

"And John Cable's sulkin' around with his nose out o' jint," interjected "Doc." "Feisty," proceeded the interpreter, "feisty means when a feller's allers wigglin' about, wantin' ever'body to see him, like a kid when the preacher comes. You know a feist is one o' them little bitty dogs that ginerally runs on three legs and pretends a whole lot." All of us were indignant at the setter of the trap.

He hadna been sulkin' aifter aa'; he had been fairly wedged atween the twa rocks, for whan I landit him, lo an' behold! he was bleedin' like a pig, an' there was a muckle gash i' the side o' him, that the rock had torn whan I draggit him by main force up an' oot.

"Anything new on here, Dawn?" asked Mrs Bray, turning to her. "No, only Miss Flipp's uncle is coming up by this afternoon's train and we're dying to see him, there's been so much blow about him. Andrew is going to get out a tub to hold the tips." "Well, I'll be going now to get Bray his tea or there'll be a jawin' and sulkin' match between us.

"Yeah, I'm gonna wear this hat," said Florette, pulling her blonde earbobs into greater prominence. "An' you put on your best suit an' new necktie. We're goin' to a weddin'." Her tone was gay, arch, her eyes were happy. "Who whose?" Freddy faltered. "Mine!" chirped Florette. "I'm goin' to get you that papa I promised you." Freddy turned away. "Sulkin'!" chided Florette. "Naughty, jealous boy!"