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Well, she went clear out of her head and she jumped out of the window. It was the fifth floor, you see." Mr. Tollman's face was gravely serious as he put a question which might have seemed less near the kernel of the matter than several others, "Why did they fear a raid?" "They sometimes happen, you know. The police get periodically active. The Van Styne has been pinched before." Mr.

It's hardly an appropriate combination." "No," assented Hagan with readiness, "and it's going to be less so before I finish. How do you expect to rid yourself of the Van Styne? By selling it, at a profit, to somebody else that'll go on getting rich on other Minnie Rays?

"On one of the cross streets in the forties in New York City there's a hotel called the Van Styne with a reputation none too savory and downtown there's a sort of mission organization in which a minister, name of Sam Haymond, takes an interest. He's a live-wire reform worker." "Indeed?" Eben Tollman's monosyllabic rejoinder conveyed the impression of an interest unawakened, but Mr.

"That's what I'm coming to. The Ray woman is only incidental like others that get adrift in New York and end up in places like the Van Styne. Anyhow I'm not starting out to harrow you with any heart-interest stories.... I'm here to talk business, but you know how it sometimes is, Mr. Tollman.

But until she went to the Van Styne, she seems to have been straight." "There is always an 'until' in these cases," observed Mr. Tollman dryly and the head of the "Searchlight" nodded his acquiescence. "Sure there is. She was young and what the rounders call a good-looking chicken.

Hagan was not so soon discouraged. "Doesn't interest you yet? Maybe it will later. Recently a girl by the name of Minnie Ray fell out of a window at the hotel I'm speaking of the Van Styne. It killed her." "Yes?" "I thought likely you'd read the item in the papers. The coroner's verdict was accident." "Yes?" These brief, interrogatory replies might have proved dampening to some narrators.

Sam Haymond heard of a job as a lingerie model in a department store, that would fit Minnie nicely, and he rushed around to her room to carry the glad tidings. The landlady said that Minnie had gone to the Van Styne with a gentleman friend so the dominie took a taxi and went there, too.

Perhaps you know a way to talk about things like this that isn't vulgar. Personally, I don't. Well, the long and the short of it is this, after so many weeks of fighting this thing out with herself Minnie Ray reached the point where she fell for a dinner with the rat-faced gentleman at the Van Styne, and after he'd opened some wine " The raconteur shrugged his shoulders.