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You ricolleck you was stoopin' over, blowin' the fire, next mornin', when he seen the hairs on your britches, an' come down on you with the leather strop afore you knowed it." Thus one adventure recalled another, and the two old boys laughed uproariously, clapping their hands and holding their sides, while the sun climbed up among the treetops.

He found a clean hole that looked like it had been cut, an' run his finger through it an' laffed an' said, 'It wouldn't do to hang it up to dry, the wind 'ud blow it to pieces, but I kin use the planks, an' I'll resk a dollar more. The photographer got scared, an', while he was stoopin' down tryin' to feel o' the tent, Alf ketched the sheriff's eye an' said, 'I'll withdraw my bid if you don't hurry.

A close friendship existed between the boy and Story-tell Lib, and we all understood the tale she told us one day when Stoopin' Jacob was one of the listeners. Diff'ent Kind o' Bundles Once there was a lot o' folks, and every single one on 'em had bundles on their backs. But they was all diff'ent, oh! jest as diff'ent as as anything, the bundles was.

He'd been follerin' that cryin' so fur and so long that he'd got into a diff'ent section o' country, and he'd got a diff'ent view, oh! a terr'ble diff'ent view, and he never went back. Diff'ent Kind o' Bundles Everybody in Greenhills knew "Stoopin' Jacob," the little humpbacked boy who lived at the north end of the village.

I can see 'em now stoopin' over the quiltin' frames Milly talkin' as hard as she sewed, Sally Ann throwin' in a word now and then, and Maria never openin' her mouth except to ask for the thread or the chalk. I ricollect they come over after dinner, and we got the quilt out o' the frames long before sundown, and the next day I begun bindin' it, and I got the premium on it that year at the Fair.

Bickford," said Joe, "the time has come when we are to try our luck." "Yes," said Joshua. "Looks curious, doesn't it? If I didn't know, I'd think them chaps fools, stoopin' over there and siftin' mud. It 'minds me of when I was a boy and used to make dirt pies." "Suppose we take a day and look round a little. Then we can find out about how things are done, and work to better advantage."

'They was standin' under the wild cherry tree in the fence corner, says she, 'and the elderberry bushes was so thick that I could jest see Dick's head and shoulders and the top of Milly's head, but they looked to be mighty close together, and Dick was stoopin' over and whisperin' somethin' to her.

You were a robber a Rapparee and now you are a free man. But what did you do to deserve this at the hands of the Government?" "Don't be alarmed, my darlin' Ellen nothing imbecomin' an honest man." "I hope," she proceeded her cheeks mantling with indignation and scorn "I hope, Fergus, you wouldn't think of stoopin' to treachery against the unfortunate, ay, or even against the guilty.

Not 'altin' for the obstacle, nor changin' step, I shuffles it along under the ball of the big toe to the foot o' the hatchway, when, lightly stoopin', I catch it in my right hand and continue my evolutions in rapid time till I eventuates under 'Op's lee.

Don't you remember how the bunch of us laughed at him when he drifted in about dark, him and four burros that one he called Boomerang, that he named his paper after in Laramie? I've told lots of times what he said when he come stoopin' into the kitchen how Colorou had sent him word that he'd give Bill just four sleeps to get outa there. An, 'Hell! says Bill.