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"She was out all yesterday evenin', and when I said 'You idle sthrap, where wor you? she wouldn't even think it worth her while to give me an answer, the vagabone." "Do you give me one in the manetime. What about the Box I want? Spake the truth, if you regard your health." "I know nothing about your box, an' I wish I could say as much of yourself.

"She can't help her hair," said Andy. "I wish I could cut it off, and her head along with it, the sthrap! Oh, blessed Vargin! to have my daughter-in-law " "What?" said Andy, getting rather alarmed. "That all the country knows is " "What?" cried Andy. "Not a fair nor a market-town doesn't know her as well as Oh, wirra! wirra!"

Why do you provoke the girl by sich language, you double-distilled ould sthrap? you do nothin' but growl an' snarl, an' curse, an' pray ay, pray, from mornin' to night, in sich a way, that the very devil himself could not bear you, or live wid you. Begone out o' this, or I'll let her at you, an' I'll engage she'll give you what'll settle you." Nelly rose, and putting on her cloak went out.

I know you were lookin' for it, an' I'm sure you got it there was no one else to take it; so before you go, tell me unless you wish to get a knife put into me by that dark lookin' ould father of yours." "I know nothing about your ould box, but I wish I did." "That's a lie, you sthrap; you know right well where it is." "No," replied her father, "she does not, when she says she doesn't.

Mick Lavery looked after her with mingled wonder and indignation. "Bad luck to you, you owld sthrap!" he muttered between his teeth. "How consaited you are, all of a sudden by Jakers, I'm sorry I towld you cock you up, indeed put a beggar on horseback to be sure humph! the devil cut the tongue out o' me if ever I give any one good news again.

Better for you, Shamus, that this millstone was hung round your black neck, an' you drownin' in the dept's av the Lough!" The words were not spoken before they all set up a shout. "The millstone! the millstone!" "Sthrap him to ut!" "He's named his death!" and inside of three minutes there was the saint, strapped down on his own specimen.

He then stooped down, and placed his hand upon the grave said, as if he were addressing the dead man: "Ha! you sleep cool there, you guilty Villain! an' it wasn't my fault that the unfaithful an' dishonest sthrap that you got that for, didn't get as much herself. There you are, an' you'll tell no tales at all events!

You know, Rody," he proceeded, "it was Dalton that murdhered him; mind that but you're a coward at heart; as for myself there's nothing troubles me but that Tobaccy-Box; but you know nothing about that; may the divil confound me, at any rate, for not destroyin' it! an' that ould sthrap, Nelly, suspects something; for she's always ringin Providence into my ears; but if I had that box destroyed, I'd disregard Providence; if there is a Providence."

"Oh, you know," observed Nelly, "she was always a dutiful girl always a quiet good crathur. Why, you onbiddable sthrap, what kind o' an answer is that to give to your father?" Ever since their stroll that morning, Sarah's eyes had been turned from time to time upon her step-mother with flash after flash of burning indignation, and now that she addressed her, she said

Just say I'm a dimmycrat with sthrong raypublican leanings. Put it this way: I'm a dimmycrat, be a point raypublican, dimmycrat. Anny sailor man'll undherstand that. 'What'll I say ye'er platform is? 'Platform? 'Ye have to stand on a platform. 'I do, do I? Well, I don't. I'll stand on no platform, an' I'll hang on no sthrap. What d'ye think th'prisidincy is a throlley car?