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And so I could go on ever; but that I fear to weary; and yet, whether I do weary, or not, I must tell of this country that I see, even now as I set my thoughts down, so plainly that my memory wanders in a hushed and secret fashion along its starkness, and amid its strange and dread habitants, so that it is but by an effort I realise me that my body is not there in this very moment that I write.

After a little period of respite she let herself out of the door into the rain that had begun falling with a sobbing fitfulness, and went through the starkness of the woods. Back of the house was the "spring-branch" of which she had spoken as a gauge to the stage of the flood.

"From the old observatory at Starkness.... Have you heard of the famous Starkness Observatory, Maskull?" "No. Where is it?" "On the north-east coast of Scotland. Curious discoveries are made there from time to time." "As, for example, how to make voyages to the stars. So this Surtur turns out to be an astronomer. And you too, presumably?" Krag grinned again.

Or was it by chance a stone under the braided coat, a hillock where it had been thrown? That strange feeling of starkness never belonged to a human body soft with the pulse of life.

It showed with such starkness how hideously the Brandeis ledger sagged on the wrong side. The three women and the boy worked with a sort of dogged cheerfulness at it, counting, marking, dusting, washing. They found shelves full of forgotten stock, dust-covered and profitless.

"You inquire if I am satisfied. I don't know, Krag. It's miraculous, and that's all I can say about it.... But I'm satisfied of one thing. There must be very wonderful astronomers at Starkness and if you invite me to your observatory I will surely come." "I do invite you. We set off from there." "And you, Nightspore?" demanded Maskull.

All around, was spread the extraordinary desolation of stillness, that had so impressed me during my previous wanderings across its starkness.

He roused himself a little and looked around him and, with a shock, the starkness of the room, the abject, pitiful air of destitution brought home to him with terrific, startling force the significance of the scene in which he was playing a part. His face set suddenly in hard lines.

"Hush, alannah, I will tell you another time." She continued still more softly: Lord of the Wand, draw forth from the darkness, Warp of the silver, and woof of the gold: Leave the poor shade there bereft in its starkness: Wrapped in the fleece we will enter the Fold.

there will be found in him that he knew the worth of love, that he saw the horror of the void in which he lived, and that for a moment though too late a sudden wave of not ignoble passion overwhelmed his baser self, even if only to let the fangs of the treacherous rock reappear in their starkness and cruelty. The lady, again, with her superb statue-like beauty, her low wide brow