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The water was on full 'n' she went right down 'n' into the mill-wheel, 'n' some of her caught in it 'n' she could n't budge. It squinched her right up, 'n' she kicked some, 'n' mooed some, 'n' bust the wheel some, 'n' died. "But Mrs. Macy wa'n't wastin' no time or words on the cow. She was walkin' 's fast 's she could along to where the nearest noise was comin' from. "First she found Mr.

Jake, he spit careful afore he answered, and he pulled his long, scraggly moustache careful, and he squinched his eyes at me. Jake was a careful man in everything he done. "I dunno, Danny," he says. "Why?" "Well," I says, "Hank sent me over to get that wagon and them hosses of theirn and finish that job."

Aunt Peggy say every swaller he took was least a gallon, and he drunk all dat blessed mornin. After a while she seed de water gitting very low, and last he gits enuff. He must a got his thirst squinched by dat time. So Aunt Peggy, she waded cross de river, when de elephant had went, and two days arter dat, de river was clean gone, bare as my hand.

How about the dilatation of her pupils?" "There isn't none," said Uncle Beamish; "they are ruther squinched up, if anything. And as to delirium, I couldn't see no signs of it, and when I asked the old lady about the numbness, she said she didn't believe there had been any." "No tendency to shiver, no disposition to stretch?" "No," said the old man, "no chance for quinine."

"Great, if you could work it!" says I. "But Lord!" "Well, watch!" says he. Then he squinched down behind his cover, so as not to give the Injun an opening, trained his cannon and pulled the trigger. The old gun opened her mouth and roared like an earthquake, but I didn't see any dead Injun. Then twice more she spit fire, and still there weren't any desirable corpses to be had.

Your face tells the whole story as you go along. After you've been down here in Arizona a few seasons and got them big eyes of yourn squinched down a little well, I may have to ast you a few questions, then." He waved his hand in a large gesture and blew out a cloud of smoke, while a twinkle of amusement crept into Hardy's unsquinched eyes. "Maybe I'm smoother than I look," he suggested dryly.

"Make haste then, we uns be nigh friz." "Ye air in no danger of fire, then?" asked the practical man. "We hev hed none, before we war flunged off'n the bluff we hed squinched the fire ter pledjure Bob, ez he war afeard Santy Claus would scorch his feet comm' down the chimbley, powerful lucky fur we uns; the fire would hev burnt the house bodaciously." Kennedy hardly stayed to hear.

You go to it, Rube." And they started off. So I went over town. Jake Smith was setting on the piazza in front of his hotel, chawing and spitting tobacco, with his feet agin the railing like he always done, and one of his eyes squinched up and his hat over the other one. "Jake," I says, "where's that there doctor?"

"'Very simple people them French, sais I, 'Elder; they don't know nothin' about hosses, do they? Their priests keep them in ignorance on purpose. "Steve winced and squinched his face properly; and said the glass in his hands hurt him. Well, arter we sot all to rights, we began to jog on towards Digby.

I'm peaceable enough if let alone; but he who endivors to burn this block over my head will find the fire squinched in his own blood." "This is idle and romantic talk, Pathfinder, and ye'll no maintain it yourself when ye come to meditate on the realities.