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"It was in a place just like this," said Drake, stopping with his two little friends on reaching a height, and turning round to survey the scene behind him, "that a queer splinter of a man who was fond o' callin' himself an ornithologist shot a grizzly b'ar wi' a mere popgun that was only fit for a squawkin' babby's plaything."

The hippopotamus is big and clumsy like a man and can't see very well, just like a man, and has lots of enemies like a man; so when enemies come this here bird sets up an awful clatter and squawkin' and that warns the hippopotamus and so he can run or defend himself.

Thin it's a goose he'd be, runnin' over the common wid his neck stritched out squawkin', an' an old fairy woman afther him wid a knife, till it fair drove him to the dhrink; though, by the same token, he didn't want much dhrivin'.

"If these squawkin' things would hold their noise, you'd hear better," growled the Captain before repeating the question. His uncourteous remark had reference to a cloud of gulls which circled round and followed the boats with remonstrative cries and astonished looks. "It's beast," shouted Anders, "not knows his name in Ingliss."

Man is human an' bound to make mistakes." "Don't kid the commodore, Scraggsy. This aromer o' roses is more'n a strong man can stand, so cut out the josh." "All right, Mac. I guess the commodore's foot slipped this time, but I ain't squawkin' yet." "No. Not yet," cried Mr. Gibney bitterly, "but soon." "I ain't, nuther," Captain Scraggs assumed an air of injured virtue.

They're drilled an' in companies. But they can arrest any one they've a mind to, and their officers can try and sentence folks. They don't play no favorites either. Soon as they hear of this mix-up between the Crees and the Blackfeet they'll be right over askin' whyfors, and if they find who gave 'em the booze some one will be up to the neck in trouble and squawkin' for help."

Guess you heard a jay squawkin' a lot, didn't you, Kiddie?" "Sure," Kiddie nodded. "Couldn't get quit of the fowl until you came along on my track an' it started ter foller you instead of me. How'd you find your way back to camp?" "Came th' same way as you did, I reckon," answered Rube. "Went th' same way's you meant me ter go, all the time trackin' you by the clues you left."

The little b'ys has their chance, too. And it's because Andy here takes as natural to bein' a gintleman as thim geese takes to squawkin'. Whether it's loikin' his book or what it is, he's the wan to have handy for the little b'ys to pattern by. As far as he's gone he knows, and he can't be beat in knowin' how to treat other folks nice.

Mose, my little nigger, sleeps here too, but I reckon you won't mind him. He's clean." Strange to say, it was Jockey Moseby Jones who minded. He minded very much, in plain English, waylaying Old Man Curry as he made the rounds of the stalls that night, lantern in hand. "This yer Squawkin' Henry, boss, he's a no-good hound. He's no good a-a-atall.

"Something about the wise being taken in their own craftiness; I've forgotten the exact words." "Umph! Sho'lly yo' don't call Squawkin' Henry wise?" "No-o, but he may have wise friends. Somehow I've sort of been expecting this visitor, Mose. You heard him tell about how bad off his mother is.