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The captain ordered the ship to be headed to the southward, and, after she had gone on this course an hour, there was another hail from the cross-trees. "Sail is a steamer, sir!" reported the lookout. With the aid of the spyglasses, a long streak of black smoke could be made out of the dark clouds that were retreating in that direction.

"The king and queen then went around and spoke to all the other people, who began to take out long spyglasses and gaze in all directions and ask the name of everything. "The county magistrate, as the highest of the local officials, stood near the king and queen and pointed things out to them. The mountain referred to is Galdhoepiggen. "After a while the company turned around, facing the south.

You're familiar with some of them, such as the thermometer, which gives the temperature inside the Nautilus; the barometer, which measures the heaviness of the outside air and forecasts changes in the weather; the humidistat, which indicates the degree of dryness in the atmosphere; the storm glass, whose mixture decomposes to foretell the arrival of tempests; the compass, which steers my course; the sextant, which takes the sun's altitude and tells me my latitude; chronometers, which allow me to calculate my longitude; and finally, spyglasses for both day and night, enabling me to scrutinize every point of the horizon once the Nautilus has risen to the surface of the waves."

I concluded to give them a fight. I took two wagons, one hundred Rangers, and one hundred and thirteen Tahuahuacan Indians, who were friend-lies. We struck a good Indian trail on a stream which led up to the Canadian. We followed it till it got hot. I camped my outfit in such a manner as to conceal my force, and sent out my scouts, who saw the Indians hunt buffalo through spyglasses.

Well, as soon as the business was pretty near ready at both sides, Bonyparty and the general next undher himself gets up behind a bush, to look at their inimies through spyglasses, and thry would they know any iv them at the distance. 'Bedadad! says the gineral, afther a divil iv a long spy, 'I'd bet half a pint, says he, 'that's Bill Malowney himself, says he, 'down there, says he.

Spyglasses functioned with feverish energy. A supreme challenge had been issued to the giant narwhale, and the latter had no acceptable excuse for ignoring this Summons to Appear! Two days passed. The Abraham Lincoln stayed at half steam. On the offchance that the animal might be found in these waterways, a thousand methods were used to spark its interest or rouse it from its apathy.

The citizens were gathering together and running for places which commanded a view over the river, and those who had telescopes or spyglasses were adjusting them with trembling hands, pointing them all in one direction namely, towards the heights of Point Levi opposite, where the river narrowed itself till it was less than a mile wide. "What is it?" cried Colin to a man with a glass at his eye.

Then began a very strange and wonderful afternoon. Bill was a man who knew his business. In a very little while, the photographic views, the spyglasses you look at them through, so that they really seem rather real, and the lights you see them by, were all packed away. A curtain it was an old red-and-black carpet really was run across the tent.

She adopted an old reprobate of a tom-cat, which she labeled 'Galileo, after an Eyetalian who invented spyglasses or somethin' similar, and a great big ugly dog that answered to the hail of 'Phillips Brooks'; she named him that because she said the original Phillips was a distinguished parson and a great philanthropist. "That dog was a healthy philanthropist.

My clothes, spyglasses, knives and forks, as well as the crockery-ware, were seized on in turn; and it appeared by their smirking looks and lively conversation that all they had achieved was perfectly to their satisfaction, and that instead of plundering a few ship-wrecked sufferers they had only been asked to a fête given by me.