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But minutes after she had gone Steve looked up from a line he was spooling. "She ain't particularly pleased, I take it," he remarked. "Not particularly," Caleb chuckled. "It's funny, too, because I do most of this sort of work on Sunday. You'd think she'd become resigned to it, but she doesn't." The boy thought deeply for a while.

This change had been made in two machines and will doubtless be extended. At the further twisting and plying of the cotton, the processes succeeding the spooling, men are employed. From these the yarn goes to the winding room in the newer building, where better air and temperature are possible than in the carding and spinning rooms. The winding room is large and light.

When you get them fixed the way I want them, I tell you they'll be fine." The next afternoon saw Shade Buckheath in the spooling room, watching the operation of Johnnie Consadine's simple device for notifying the frame-tender if a thread fouled or broke. "Let me take 'em all down to the basement," he said finally when he had studied them from every point of view for fifteen minutes.

She could hear faint and far the voices of the falling gangs that cried: "Tim-ber-r-r-r." She could see on the bank, a little beyond the bunkhouse and cook-shack, the big roader spooling up the cable that brought string after string of logs down to the lake. Rain or sun, happiness or sorrow, the work went on. She found it in her heart to envy the sturdy loggers.

"They have night turn over there at the Victory now, and it'll just about make her sick." Miss Lydia frowned. "Oh, John, I think you are mistaken," she said coldly. "The work is very light you know that. Young people work a great deal harder racing about in their play than at anything they have to do in a spooling room I'm sure my nieces and nephews do.

Work at night is impossible without a very powerful light produced by concentrating the rays of the lamp, making them pass through glass globes, which is most injurious to the sight. At forty years of age, nearly all wear spectacles. The children employed at spooling and hemming usually suffer grave injuries to the health and constitution.

Beyond that there was a logged space, littered with broken branches, stumps, tops, cut with troughs plowed deep in the soil, where the donkey had skidded out the logs. And there was the engine puffing and straining, and the steel cables running away among the trees, spooling up on the drums, whining and whistling in the iron sheaves.