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I hab my victuals and clothes, and a good hum, and for all I can see, dat's all my Master has. Ob de two I does tink I'm de best off. Sometimes, when I see him cum in lookin' all pale and flurried like, from his business, I tink to myself I wouldn't hab all his 'sponsibilities on my back fur de world. Guy!

"Dey ain' but one lady, Mis' Flannigan, dat could injuce me ter want ter change de lonesomeness er my singleness fer de 'sponsibilities er matermony, an' I 'm feared she 'd say no ef I 'd ax her." "Ye 'd better ax her, Misther Braboy, an' not be wastin' time a-wond'rin'. Do I know the lady?" "You knows 'er better 'n anybody else, Mis' Flannigan.

Now, you knows your 'sponsibilities, little boy, and a great honour they are too, for the like o' you. "If any damage be done, it is to you I shall look; d' ye understand? and that's what the squire says to me. So you sees what it is to be a pattern boy, Master Lenny!" With that Mr.

Arter breakfas' you start right off ter work, and I'se sit on de do' step and talk to de neighbos. You shall hab all de headin ob de house you wants, but you can't hab de 'sition widout de 'sponsibilities. I'se gwine now to take a res' an' be 'sported," and the irate wife filled her pipe, sat down and smoked furiously. Uncle Sheba was appalled at the result of his Scriptural argument.

Arter Miss Anna died, I had great 'sponsibilities on my shoulders; but I war orful lonesome, an' thought I'd like to git a wife. But dere warn't a gal on de plantation, an' nowhere's roun', dat filled de bill. So I jis' waited, an' 'tended to Marse Robert till he war ole 'nough to go to college. Wen he went, he allers 'membered me in de letters he used to write his grandma.

Now, you knows your 'sponsibilities, little boy, and a great honour they are too, for the like o' you. If any damage be done, it is to you I shall look; d' ye understand? and that's what the squire says to me. So you sees what it is to be a pattern boy, Master Lenny!" With that Mr.

And can you possibly imagine Washington or Lincoln ordering people about as you like to do?" There was a moment's silence; then Stevie straightened himself up and poked his hands deep down in his pockets. "Papa," he said, tossing back his yellow curls, a look of determination on his little fair face, "I'll not shirk my 'sponsibilities. I'm just going to try with all my might to be a better boy."