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You have already pleased her, your admirable manners must succeed in captivating her, and a fond father's wishes will be crowned on the day in which you enter our family. "'Recklect, gents, says I to the 2 lords, 'a barging's a barging I'll pay hoff Southdown's Jews, when I'm his brother. I'll make your incumbrinces as right as a trivit, and restor the ouse of Bareacres to its herly splender.

All their fellowship received great welcome. One bade now bring the guests to Siegmund's hall, and lifted the fair young maids down from the palfreys. Many a knight gan serve the comely dames with zeal. However great the feasting at the Rhine was known to be, here one gave the heroes much better robes than they had worn in all their days. Of their splender great marvels might be told.

Has I ave read in the novle of "Kennleworth," that the Herl goes down in Cort dress and extoneshes Hamy Robsart, I will go down in all my splender and astownd my old washywoman of a Granmother. To make this detummination; to horder my Broom; to knock down Frederick the groomb for delaying to bring it; was with me the wuck of a momint.

Scott calls Warwich Castle "the farest monument of ancient and chivalrous splender which yet remains uninjured by time." It is said to have been founded in the 10th century, destroyed in the 13th, and restored by Thomas de Beauchamp in the 14th. It has been preserved so well that it looks almost like a new palace, to-day Oxford

The sun bust out in all his splender, disregardless of expense, and lovely Natur put in her best licks. We parst the beautiful village of Limy, which lookt sweet indeed, with its neat white cottages, Institoots of learnin and other evijences of civillizashun, incloodin a party of bald heded cullered men was playing 3 card monty on the stoop of the Red Eagle tavern.