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Sir Morton Pippitt, bein' in. the bone-meltin' line, as 'im up to dine now an' agin, just to keep in with 'im like, for he's a nasty temper, an' his wife's got the longest and spitefullest tongue in all the neighbourhood. But you needn't take up wi' them, Miss-they ain't in your line,-which some brewers is gentlemen, an' Appleby ain't YOUR Pa wouldn't never know HIS Pa."

They'll have a warrant out against you under the Black Act. I know the gentry." "Oh, he won't mind," Williams struck in, "I know him; he's a trump. Afraid of nothing." David Macdonald made a movement of his head that did duty for an ominous shake: "It's a devil of a mess," he said. "But I'll touch them up. Why did you hit Topnambo? He's the spitefullest beast in the island.

You'd rather the rats and mice ran riot in it than put a human being there, and he a lad your father always allowed to be his own son! Do you want to know what you are? I'll tell you, a fratricide! And I know why, too. You see I take an interest in him, and that provokes you. Stupid as you seem, you have got more spite in you than the spitefullest of men. Well, yes!

"She is the spitefullest woman they is," Jimmy's black eyes snapped; "she 'bout the meddlesomest teacher in that school." "Who telled you 'bout it, Lina?" questioned the other little girl. "The Super'ntendent told his wife and you know how some ladies are, they just can't keep a secret.

You'd rather the rats and mice ran riot in it than put a human being there, and he a lad your father always allowed to be his own son! Do you want to know what you are? I'll tell you, a fratricide! And I know why, too. You see I take an interest in him, and that provokes you. Stupid as you seem, you have got more spite in you than the spitefullest of men. Well, yes!

Scudder to make the experiment, uncle? suggests that confounded niece, smilin' the spitefullest smile. "'Scudder, says the professor, 'I'll give you five thousand dollars cash to start in that aeroplane this moment. "For a jiffy Nate was staggered. Five thousand dollars CASH whew! But then he thought of how deep Gus had been shoved into that sandbank.