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Spiff from beneath his dark brows, "it will not avail you, young man." Dr. Boomer was delighted. "Poor McTeague," he said "and by the way, Boyster, I hear that McTeague is trying to walk again; a great error, it shouldn't be allowed! poor McTeague knew nothing of science." The students themselves shared in the enthusiasm, especially after Dr.

"The photograph of our last year's graduating class," said the president. "A poor lot, to judge by the faces of them," said the minister. "This, Dr. Dumfarthing, is our new radiographic laboratory; Mr. Spiff, our demonstrator, is preparing slides which, I believe, actually show the movements of the atom itself, do they not, Mr. Spiff?" "Ah," said the minister, piercing Mr.

Signy followed her guardians, and Pirate came with her, bounding and barking his delight for he was still a young dog, and expressed his pleasure naturally, as young creatures do. Yaspard's eager impatience did not prevent him from noting his little sister's attractive appearance, and he called out as she came running to the quay, "Why, Mootie, you do look spiff to be sure!

She had a collar of magnificent lace, though torn, and a terrible bonnet; but her shoes were of fine kid, in which the flesh of her fat feet made a roll of black-lace stocking. "And my waist buckle!" she exclaimed, displaying a piece of suspicious-looking finery, prominent on her cook's stomach, "There's style for you! and my front! Oh, Ma'me Nourrisson has turned me out quite spiff!"

Young ladies wearing on just one hair the latest of bonnets, and elaborated with costly silks and ribbons; tender gentlemen of the silver-headed cane school and the "my deah fellah" region; quiet substantial looking men of advanced years, who believe in good breeding and properly brushed clothes; elderly matrons, "awfully spiff" as Lady Wortley Montague would say; and a few well-disposed tradespeople who judiciously mingle piety with business, and never make startling noises during their devotional moments these make up the congregational elements of St.

Silently he saddled Chinook, accepted her thanks silently, and strode to his cabin. When he reappeared he was wearing a new shirt, his blue silk bandanna, and his silver-studded chaps. He would cache those chaps at his first camp out, and get them when he returned. Bronson came to the doorway. Dorothy put her finger to her lips. "Lorry is stunned, I think. Do I look as spiff as all that?"

Anybody'd think he was a devil. He isn't. He's soppy. He wouldn't dare to make love to any of us girls. If I was to look at him he'd run away." "Yes," said Toby, grimly. "I see he didn't like you looking at him." "Well, I'll tell you something else, Toby," added Sally, with a persuasively dry candour. "If Madam was to see me looking at him I should get the sack spiff! See?" Toby was impressed.