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'There is some news, said mine host of the Candlestick, pushing his lantern-jawed visage and bare-boned nag rudely forward into the crowd 'there is some news; and, if it please my Creator, I will forthwith obtain speirings thereof. Waverley, with better regulated curiosity than his attendant's, dismounted and gave his horse to a boy who stood idling near.

'There is some news, said mine host of the Candlestick, pushing his lantern-jawed visage and bare-boned nag rudely forward into the crowd 'there is some news; and, if it please my Creator, I will forthwith obtain speirings thereof. Waverley, with better regulated curiosity than his attendant's, dismounted and gave his horse to a boy who stood idling near.

'There is some news, said mine host of the Candlestick, pushing his lantern-jawed visage and bare-boned nag rudely forward into the crowd 'there is some news; and if it please my Creator, I will forthwith obtain speirings thereof. Waverley, with better regulated curiosity than his attendant's, dismounted, and gave his horse to a boy who stood idling near.

'There is some news, said mine host of the Candlestick, pushing his lantern-jawed visage and bare-boned nag rudely forward into the crowd 'there is some news; and, if it please my Creator, I will forthwith obtain speirings thereof. Waverley, with better regulated curiosity than his attendant's, dismounted and gave his horse to a boy who stood idling near.

After many "How are ye, Jims's" and mutual speirings over a "bit mouthful of yill" so they phrased it; but that was a meiosis, for they drank five quarts they fell to a serious discussion of the commercial possibilities of Scotland. The borer was of the opinion that the Braes of Barbie had a future yet, "for a' the gaffer was so keen on keeping his men in the dark about the coal."

"Nay," said Cicely, "she no, it was Tibbott the huckster-woman told me long ago that I was not what I seemed, and that I came from the north I cannot understand! Were they the same?" "The bairn kens too much," said Jean. "Dinna ye deave her Grace with your speirings, my lammie. Ye'll have to learn to keep a quiet sough, and to see mickle ye canna understand here."