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For instance, the fact that the spectroscope reveals phenomena in the sun's light which are strikingly similar to others occurring when earthly matter is first caused to emit light that is, brought near the upper border of its ponderable existence and then studied spectroscopically, should not impose on us the illusion that the sun consists of matter in this same condition.

There is no direct relation between growth in length and respiration, a conclusion that is in conflict with that of previous experiments. The famous "Blue Grotto" in the island of Capri, Italy, has been investigated spectroscopically. Most of the light enters through the water, which absorbs the red rays entirely and so much of the yellow as to make the D line scarcely visible.

Here then we have the criterion that was wanted the means of distinguishing, spectroscopically and chemically, between the cavity and the absorbing layers piled up above it.

On both planets some absorption lines seem to agree with the aqueous vapour lines of our own atmosphere; while one, which is a strong band in the red common to both planets, seems to agree with a line in the spectrum of some reddish stars. Uranus and Neptune are difficult to observe spectroscopically, but appear to have peculiar spectra agreeing together.

Spectroscopically it belongs to a peculiar type which has very few representatives among the bright stars, and which has been thus described: "Spectra in which the hydrogen lines and the few metallic lines all appear to be of equal breadth and sharp definition."

Thirty-two Wolf-Rayet stars were investigated, spectroscopically and spectrographically, by Professor Campbell with the great Lick refractor in 1892-94; and several disclosed the singularity, already noticed by him in Gamma Argûs, of giving out mixed series, the members of which change from vivid to obscure with increase of refrangibility.

The linear rate of the planet's equatorial rotation was spectroscopically determined by Bélopolsky and Deslandres in 1895. Both found it to fall short of the calculated speed, whence an enlargement, by self-refraction, of the apparent disc was inferred. Mr.

The great difficulty was to extricate the coloured image of the gaseous structure, spectroscopically visible at the sun's limb, from the encompassing glare, a very little of which goes a long way in fogging sensitive plates.

With unity there is always diversity; in fact, the unity of the universe on which I have been insisting consists in part of diversity. It is very curious that, among the many thousands of stars which have been spectroscopically examined, no two are known to have absolutely the same physical constitution. It is true that there are a great many resemblances.

These methods have been developed, and new values found, by Cornu, Michaelson, Newcomb, and the present writer. Quite lately Halm, at the Cape of Good Hope, measured spectroscopically the velocity of the earth to and from a star by observations taken six months apart. Thence he obtained an accurate value of the sun's distance.