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Continuing a Thrilling New Serial of Interplanetary Life and Travel by Edward E. Smith, Ph.D. Author of "Skylark of Space," and "Skylark Three" Spacehounds of IPC One of the most fascinating mysteries of the heavens is the comet. It goes through space, gets near enough to the earth to be seen, and then goes off and disappears in celestial distance.

"But there are times when we've got to fight our own battles and bury our own dead," she interrupted, gamely. "Cut off the rest of that power! I'm not going to be sick I won't be a what do you spacehounds call us poor earth-bound dubs who can't stand weightlessness weight-fiends, isn't it?" "Yes; but you aren't...." "I know I'm not, and I'm not going to be one, either!

Author of "Skylark of Space," and "Skylark Three" Spacehounds of IPC The question of rays their expanding power for good and evil is receiving increasing attention from scientists. The x-ray has been found to be very beneficial, given in certain quantities, but extremely inimical to health, and even fatal, if too much exposure is given.

Far out in space, Jupiter, a tiny moon and its satellites mere pin-points of light, Stevens turned to his companion with a grin. "Well, Nadia, old golf-shootist, here's where we turn spacehounds again. Hope you like it better this time, because I'm afraid that we'll have to stay weightless for quite a while."

Of course, if any of the passengers want to go right back the IPC will undoubtedly furnish transportation gratis. But paste this in your hat, Verna, for future reference when spacehounds start out to go anywhere they go there, even if they have to spend a year or so on minus time to do it!"

Thus it came about that the head of the column of police had scarcely passed a certain door, when in the room behind it there began to assemble the half-hundred spacehounds of the hexans. When the vanguard had approached that room, Crowninshield had inspected it thoroughly with his infra-red beams. He had found it punctured and airless, devoid of life or of lethal devices, and had passed on.

"I don't know whether to feel relieved at the knowledge that they won't bother us, or whether to get mad because they won't have anything to do with us." He sent the "All x" signal to the pilot and the Sirius, once more at the acceleration of Terrestrial gravity, again bored on through space. Spacehounds Triumphant

Breckenridge, in the last car to leave the portal, studied his surroundings with interest as his conveyance darted through the gateway. More or less a fatalist by nature and an adventurer, of course, since no other type existed among the older spacehounds of the IPC, he was intensely interested in every new phase of their experience, and was no whit dismayed or frightened.