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Multiply this by a million-fold and you have the Reign of Terror, the second chapter of the French Revolution. "Aimez les amis du peuple et l'enthousiasme pour la liberté, mais réservez l'aveugle soumission pour la loi," said Lafayette to the Federation of National Guards.

Il aime la soumission plus que la beaute: s'il lui dit de se coucher a huit heures, elle se couche: s'il faut se lever a deux heures, elle se leve! Elle est une bonne femme, elle a sauve bien des vies."

A few months later, the deputies of Riviere-aux-Canards wrote to Shirley, thanking him for kindness which they said was undeserved, promising to do their duty thenceforth, but begging him to excuse them from giving up persons who had acted "contraire aux Interests de leur devoire," representing the difficulty of their position, and protesting "une Soumission parfaite et en touts Respects."

[Footnote 2: It was of Singlin that Pascal wrote in 1654, "Soumission total

Ah! le Comte de Belle Chasse How many women already he has lost! It is a real triumph to Madame de Connal to have him in her chains. What a smile! C'est lui qui est aimable pour nous autres d'une soumission pour les femmes d'une fierte pour les hommes. As the lamb gentle for the pretty woman; as the lion terrible for the man. It is that Comte de Belle Chasse who is absolutely irresistible."