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The place is a mine of terrors all the worse for this beautiful setting and the gardens.... The Sorensons are the horrible Russian pair. I met them at dinner in the Flamingo Room, and after listening to the Señora, the courtesies of the Spaniard were like so many cold shuddery waves of dread.

Oh, yes, the Savonarola carries two small boats. If the surprise is successful, these boats may be useful to eliminate the Chinese and the Sorensons. You will be armed, of course. I am just adding thoughts at random. A little red chalk-mark on the white frame of the companion-way will tell me that you are aboard, if I should miss seeing you. Yours in excitement, but not without hope,

The crowd began to stir and disintegrate and break into groups, gesticulating, talking, discussing all the astonishing items of news given by the engineer, from the particulars of the Sorensons' depravity to announcement of renewed hire. "Señor, we hold you in greatest respect," said a man to Weir, smiling in friendly fashion. "And also your pistol," said a companion, laughing.

"There was no questioning the sincerity of your last expression that night, in any case," she said. "But I've not been indignant because of what you exclaimed or because you hate the Sorensons. 'Hate' isn't too strong a word, is it? I'm none the less interested however to know what it's all about.

Here in the city there'd be lovely sermons, and church twice on Sunday, EVERY Sunday! And a movie show! A regular theater, just for movies. With the sign "Change of bill every evening." Pictures every evening! There were movies in Scandia Crossing, but only once every two weeks, and it took the Sorensons an hour to drive in papa was such a tightwad he wouldn't get a Ford.

Within three days, the Glow-worm had left Coral City for an Antillean port, to connect with a South American steamer. The Sorensons and one Chinese accompanied her. The Glow-worm shone as one lavishly rich, but trembled with fears which she dared not express, until Equatoria should sink from her horizon.

If the Sorensons had all the money on earth, they couldn't give me a penny as between man and man. If they owed it to me, that would be another matter. They'd pay it if I had to stick a gun down their throats to make them come across." "We don't need any of their money, I guess," Mary said. "Nope. We're poor but we're straight.

Later on you may be able to use it in squaring accounts," the engineer advised. "I hope so," was the answer, with a bitter note. "But talking would only hurt Mary, not Ed Sorenson. Whatever the Sorensons do is all right, you know, because they're rich.

"For I have work to do and work for you if you want it. Instead of stealing your cattle and daughters as the Sorensons did, I'll give you jobs. We are about to begin digging canals and ditches on the mesa; I want men and teams you and yours at good pay for a good day's work. Our quarrel of the past need not be remembered.

The party, of which she was the blithest, ah, how she loved sailing! stepped on board at six. Framtree was brought to the meeting. Celestino Rey was beguiled from his Pleiad throne, and helped to a seat in this floating Elba. Here, too, came the Sorensons and the Chinese mob-stuff.