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"Our Master didn't auction off his slaves as the other masters would for he was a better master than most of them. When he started to sale one of us he would go out and talk to the old slave trader like he wuz g'wine to sale a cow or sometin and then he would come back to git the slave he wanted. This wuz the way my mothers' brother and sister wuz sold.

The next morning she sent for me, and she telled me she'd hev to send me away ef I didn't quit dat habit of bein' up so late and skeerin' de gals wid stories 'bout ghosts; so I jis' held my tongue." "And had you ebber seed anytink more?" "Laws, I wouldn't go near dat tree after dark for all de money on Long Island! I tells you dar's sometin' queer somewhar."

"Ole massa was made de Governor, by somebody, and dare was another man made a Governor, too, and he git a company one night and comed down here; but somebody had tole old massa, and dat day he tell me, and we went down to de riber under de cliff war was some cane and he tole me he was gwine to stay dar, and I muss bring him sometin to eat ebery day, but I musn't tell whar he was, not eben to ole missus, for dey would scare her and make her tell on him.

I'se sometin' berry 'portant for de gemman. Hol' on, I say," and she dashed across the plank, nearly knocking Ted down in her headlong haste. "Whar is 'ee?" she gasped, and continued, "Leg-go, I tell ye. Le' me be," as Ted seized her arm, asking what she wanted, and if she was going back to Jacksonville. "No; leg-go, I tell you. I wants the man from de Norf, what comed to see Miss Dory.

I got Cato up from de lot, 'cause he's rader poorly dis mornin'; his cough makes me a sight o' concern; he's allers a-pullin' off his jacket de wrong time, or doin' sometin' I tell him not to, and it just keeps him hack, hack, hackin', all de time."

"See yah, Mas'r Tom and chil'n all," said Solomon, at last. "Ise gwine to pose dat we all go an tend to sometin ob de fust portance. Hyah's Mas'r Tom habn't had notin to eat more'n a mont; an hyah's de res ob de blubbed breddern ob de Bee see double what been a fastin since dey riz at free clock dis shinin and spicious morn.

"It was too great a walk for her, Uncle Toney, and then she does not like my company well enough to pay so much fatigue for it." Toney laughed again. "Too much walk, indeed, she walk here most ebery day, wid her little bonnet in her hand and basket too, wid sometin good for Toney. No, sir, General Washington's war, de ole war of all and den, young massa, you ought to see her.

Candace immediately began mentally to bristle her feathers like a hen who sees a hawk in the distance, and responded with decision: "Den you heard sometin', for once in your life!" "I must say," said Digo, with suavity, "dat I can't give my 'proval to such sentiments." "More shame for you," said Candace, grimly. "You a man, and not stan' by your color, and flunk under to mean white ways!

"I hope so, dear," she replied; "for God is good." "And will he get us blankets, mammy?". "Yes, darlin', I hope so." "Me id rady he'd get us sometin' to ait fust, mammy; I'm starvin' wid hungry;" and the poor child began to cry for food. The disconsolate mother was now assailed by the clamorous outcries of nature's first want, that of food.

"Me shoot him on wing. Taste good, eh?" "Does it?" Dane asked, rousing for a minute from his reverie. He then relapsed into silence. "What de matter?" Pete presently asked. "See sometin', eh?" "Why, what makes you think there is anything the matter?" the young man queried. "Dane so still. Dane no talk, no smile, no eat. Dane seek, mebbe. Bad medicine, eh?"